Chapter 11 - Operation Minsung

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Operation Minsung: Into action

So Seungmin said he's going to be working at the cafe today, boom easy way to get Jisung to visit, phase 1.

Phase 2, I'm gonna say something really concerning to Minho so he comes rushing over to the cafe to see me.

Phase 3, Minsung ends up in the same place and me and Seungmin watch in awe at their cute interactions.

I scribble down the plan on a paper and shove it into my pocket as I walk through the doors of the Kim Family Cafe.

"Seungmin!!" I yell out catching the attention of the cute boy behind the counter.

Hi Hyunjin! He smiles as he signs my name.

I take a seat in the chair right in front of the counter he is standing at. Looking him right in the eyes as I begin to talk about everything and anything.

"Did you have a good day, I missed you! Sorry I had to stay late for dance so I couldn't walk you home," I start rambling on and Seungmin quietly listens, his eyes glimmering with interest.

Half way through my blabbering, Seungmin suddenly taps the table, getting my attention.

Guess what Hyunjin!!

"Woah what Seungmin!! Tell me!!" The excitement from his face spreading to mine.

I get my bandage off tomorrow and they said the wound is fully healed!

"Oh my god!! I'll finally be able to look at your neck!"

I suddenly realize what I said and my face quickly heats up, "Not that I'm you know looking there anyway ahaha"

Seungmin silently laughs with his face slightly red, his smile is so beautiful that I begin to laugh too.

⇷ ⏾ ⇸

After a while I start to get bored and wander around the cafe, the one I've been in hundreds of times. I quickly find my eyes on the small poster of a celebrity with English text. Many posters are on the walls of the cafe, this one stood out however.

"Hey Seungmin? When's Jisung gonna come, I can't get minho to show up if he doesn't!"

But I don't look in Seungmins direction to see what he signed in response.

Instead my eyes are glued to the poster, it has a familiar face on it.

I can hear footsteps walk in my direction and slowly come to halt next to me.

"Seungmin... is this you?" I glance at the boy now next to me.

His mouth lies open as he quickly pulls the poster off and throws it in the trash.

"Seungmin why were you on a poster with English, you looked like a celebrity..." I rush to follow after him, my mind moving faster than my legs.

The boy is still standing infront of the trash can he had thrown the poster in. I lay a hand on his shoulder and when he turns around, I see his glassy eyes and his heavy breathing.

I panic and pull the boy into a tight hug, it always seems to calm him down. His breathing hitches as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Seungmin, just focus on breathing, I wont question it anymore." I pat his back and speak in a soft voice, just as my parents use to do when I cried.

Why does this keep happening?

Who hurt you Seungmin?

A few minutes later, Jisung walks through the cafe doors and Seungmin pulls off of me. His eyes were now dry and his breathing had slowed.

"Are you okay now?" I whisper looking at the boys eyes, he slowly nods as Jisung walks over to us.

"Uhh guys? Were you just hugging?"


You'll be fine Jisung

"Bitch no I won't! How am I supposed to spend all of lunch next to Minho, let alone the rest of your friends!" Jisung whisper yells as we get our lunch from the lunch ladies, now heading over to Hyunjins table.

My eyes land on the table we are walking to and I see two girls on Hyunjins side of table. One is standing behind him and messing with his hair, the other sitting next to him and laughing loudly.

She's sitting in my spot.

"I mean I was literally shitting my pants when you set me up with him at the cafe, how am I supposed to-"Jisungs rambling gets cut off by me abruptly stopping and him running right into my back.

"Seungmin what's up???" Jisung asks groaning and rubbing his head he had just bumped.

I look at the girls and something inside me angers. Some part of me wants to be that girl sitting next to Hyunjin or the girl playing with his hair. That should be me.

Woah why am I so pissed off?

While in my inner monologue, me and Hyunjin make eye contact. He smiles and waves his hand, signaling us to come over.

I hurry over with jisung tugging on my sleeve trying to convince me to go back to another table.

"Seungmin! I missed you!" Hyunjin exclaims, he seems to always say that everytime he sees me.

"Uhm who are you?" The girl sitting next to Hyunjin speaks up with a sassy voice, looking me up and down.

I obviously don't respond because I can't speak.

"Uhm rude are you just gonna stand there?"

"Mira calm down," Hyunjin slightly chuckles, "He's my best friend and he's mute so we talk in sign!"

My face turns an obvious shade of red

Best friend....

Hyunjin thinks of me that much?

Surprise is written on the girls face as well as she and the other girl get up and walk away.

I brush of Hyunjins comment and take a seat in my normal spot. The shy jisung hesitantly takes a seat between Minho and Hyunjin.

"Hey Seungmin!" Felix shines his bright smile like the sunshine he is, "Oh hey Jisung welcome to the table!" Everyone at the table gives their quick greetings before I start to eat my half frozen school pizza.

Minhos mouth drops open when he sees jisung and his face turns bright red as they try to converse between their awkward stuttering. Honestly it looks like they get along well when they aren't blushing and stuttering like crazy.

Hyunjin notices this and turns in my direction, smiling as always.

"You know, they would have never have to courage to talk to eachother if it weren't for us," Hyunjin says while getting closer to me to get a better view of the two lovestruck boys.

I'm really glad that Hyunjin hasn't mentioned that incident since it happened.

Yeah I sign still shaken up by the strong emotions I felt due to those girls being with him and not me. Of course I'm not going to admit that.

"You know seungmin.." I look up at Hyunjin and we make eye contact as smiles at me again.

"We make a really great team.."

Kind of a cute little chapter.
I hope my first story is going well sorry for not updating consistently.
See you!

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