Chapter 20 - Shame (Minsung Pov)

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Hyunjin stops in the middle of storming away, I stand behind him eith my breathing still heavy from the risen anger.

I look behind Seungmin to see someone I wasn't expecting, my eyes go wide.


My heart drops.

He heard it all.


My eyes look between his as he shakes his head and stares at me with hatred. His mouth slightly agape in shock.

A moment where the world seems frozen passes, Seungmin in tears, Hyunjins horrified expression as he stares at the younger.

Eventually time resumes while I still stand frozen in place, my head pulsating from the heated argument.

Things become a blur when Seungmin runs out the room in tears and Hyunjin follows immediately after him, calling his name in a panicked voice.

I can almost hear the thumping of my heart.

The room remains silent, everyone processing what the hell just happened. Alcohol certainly not helping with their confusion.

I finally begin to calm down, fully sober now I realize what I've said. Somethings that I didn't mean to say have been displayed for the party to hear, along with multiple videos of the argument that I know will be circulating on every social media.

And I think it hits me.

Oh shit.

I messed up.

A moment goes by where my mind runs in races  of fear that im going to lose my love too, and that Jisung is going to run out the room and never come back. My head hangs in shame, the entire rooms eyes still on me as i stand there stupidly.


My head slowly rises to face him, still avoiding eye contact as the boy takes a deep breath continues.

"We need to talk." In a flash, he walks over and grabs my arm, quickly pulling me out of the room.

His grip on my arm remains strong as we push through the drunk dancing teens of the party, shame still hovers above me like a cloud. I can feel the stares around us, which only made me cheeks redder. Some part of me relieved he didn't leave me there.

He suddenly pulls me into an empty bathroom and locks the door. He faces the door for a moment before slowly turning to me as I feel tears push on my eyes.

"Minho. What's wrong with you!?"

He snaps at me, his eyebrows furrowed and he pulls on his hair in frustration.

"Jisung... I fucked up." Tears becoming dangerously close to falling when I recall what went down.

"NO SHIT MINHO!" He groans while pacing around the bathroom before stopping and facing me.

"Listen min I trust you with my whole being and I know your better than this. I know you don't genuinely think that stuff... right?"

He hesitates for a moment before locking eyes with me. His expression one of confusion, like he needed answers.

"Why did you say all of that?"

I... don't know.

I take a seat on the toilet and put my hands on my head, slowly realizing all the hurtful shit I said.

"Jisung i just wanted the best for him... I-" In a hurry I blabber, my head spinning

Jisung walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder, his warmth flowing through my body.

Taken - Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now