Chapter 17 - "I can do this"

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Now why is everything going so wrong this year.

My absolute worst nightmare.

I could lose seungmin.

To think I only met him mere months ago and I can't imagine my life without him.

What am I supposed to do?

Jinnie don't take to much stress, it might be a troll who knows?

"Seungmin-ah this could be serious, like think about it!! Why else would someone be after a cute attractive teenage boy!" I just blabber on not realizing what I'm even saying, but knowing it's important, "They probably wanna kidnap you!"

Jinnie I don't think your helping

"Ugh Im gonna find out who's doing this." I suddenly get angry as Seungmin rolls his eyes and opens the front door to my house, holding it for me to enter as I continue my blabbering, "But why you! Like I know your attractive and obviously a kidnapper wants that but going as far as sending pictures of you! That's just psycho!"

I think it's been psychotic from the beginning Hyunjin.

"I think you should be taking those more seriously," I say as I take off my shoes at the enterance of my house. "I can't let you get hurt."

I won't get hurt if your with me Hyunjin

He smiles up at me and we lock eyes for a moment, just as my mother walks in, having to ruin the mood.

"Ah Seungminnie, I didn't know you were coming over today!" The lady shines a sweet smile, "I was just about to go to the grocery store!"

My parents adore seungmin, they think he's super cute and sweet, and they had even learned some sign to understand him more. However I usually translate for their conversations.

Hi Mrs Hwang, I'm over to help Hyunjin with some social studies homework.

He bows politely while my mother stands there a little confused, probably not knowing all the signs, but she just shrugs, smiles, waves goodbye, and walks out the door.

I silently walk over to my room, sitting on the bed. My mood obviously down in the dumps.

Seungmin takes a seat next to me, leaning his head on my shoulder.

I will be fine with you by my side. I promise

"I know Minnie."


I'm glad Hyunjins finally making up with Minho.

We sit at our normal seats at lunch, Hyunjin walks me home everyday to ensure my safety, and Minhos even joins our walks home sometimes.

They are also on the same dance team so they couldn't avoid eachother any longer, but I'm still mad at him.

Hyunjin is more sensitive than he seems and I must protect him.

Like we promised.

But, I don't tell him about the new pictures of me at the cafe...

I don't tell him about how they practically know everything about me now.

And I still don't tell him my real identity

And so I continue work my normal shift at the cafe with the feeling of being watched lurking in the back of my mind. My friends sit at the back table, laughing loudly.

Their new addition also sits there.


Now don't get me wrong, I don't dislike him.

Taken - Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now