Chapter 25 - Forest

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The call of nature never seems to fail to interupt my sleep.

I slowly exit the tent, trying to make as little noise as possible as to not wake my lover.

After successfully getting out the tent, I head toward the bathrooms. The night was cold and I regret not grabbing Seungmins hoodie before leaving.

I know this is a campsite and all, but the bathrooms were disgusting. It smelled like someone pissed all over the walls. The smell burning my nose hairs as I walk in.

To my surprise, a figure walked into the bathroom after me. Weird as to how late it is into the night.

He starts washing his hands in the sink next to me when I catch a glimpse of his face in the mirror.

"Oh Yeonjun hyung!" I turn to him, recognizing our friend.

"Hey Hyunjin..."

The wink from the night before suddenly rushes back to mind and the atmosphere gets awkward.

"So your dating Seungmin right?" He suddenly asks.

"Ah almost, I was planning on asking him this trip." I chuckle while drying my hands.

"Well I wouldn't date him if I were you."

This caught me by surprise, almost reminding me of the night of the party.

"He has a lot he's hiding."

"Oh he's told me about what I think your talking about." I turn to face him after he suddenly brings this topic up.

"He told you about me?"


"Ah so you don't know..."

I stand there confused for a few moments before Yeonjun pulls me into for a sudden hug.

"It's okay Hyunjinnie sometimes love doesn't work out." He gentler runs my back.

"H-huh? Me and seungmin are fine."

"Hah he obviously doesn't trust you."

That's the last thing he says before exiting the bathroom. All of this was so sudden and I'm still half asleep when I make my way back to the tent. The whole interaction felt like a dream.

Even through the daze, I swear I heard a camera shutter when we were in the bathroom.

⇷ ⏾ ⇸

I open my eyes for the second time to find the morning light peeping in through the tent. I lift my hand to cover my eyes when I realize my arms are empty.

"Seungmin?" I croak out in my morning voice.

I don't know if I was expecting a vocal repsose but I guess calling out for him was stupid. And so I lift up the blankets and exit the tent.

As I walk out into the peaceful light of the morning, loud crashes fill my ears. All of a sudden the peaceful morning becomes oddly creepy.

"Jagiya?" I approach the noise as another crash makes me jump.

I push through the trees until I can see the boy through the small light.

An axe in his hand slams down onto a piece of wood, splitting it right down the middle. Even with poor visibility, his contracting muscles as he lifts the axe are making me go crazy.

"Damn I didn't know someone could look so hot while chopping wood like a maniac."

The boy jumps at my voice, he holds his axe in my direction for protection. I immediately put my hands up and chuckle.

Taken - Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now