Chapter 29 - Hysterical

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I've never seen him so hysterical.

When we arrived at the hospital, I had to practically cage him in my arms in order to stop him from running into the room.

He was trying to scream so hard I was worried he might mess something up in his sensitive throat. But it was evident he wasn't thinking straight and he definitely was new to the whole no voice thing.

His whole body was violently shaking and his breathing was worryingly shallow. I tried my best to calm him down but I myself was shaken up. He told me many times that my heartbeat could calm him at any time. So I basically trapped him in my arms with his head against my chest, watching how his breathing calms to the sound.

After some time he accepted the wait and simply cried into my arms, where he currently resides.

His thighs place on either side of me on the hospital bench, his face buried deep into my hoodie while I softly pull my fingers through his hair.

His whole body shakes from never ending sobs, it's been this way for about an hour. My hoodie stained in multiple spots with snot and tears, but all I can do is hold him tight.

This was shocking for me too.

I had known the couple for years before I even met Seungmin, and they were like second parents to me as of recent.

It must be worse for Seungmin however. They were practically his only family, I can't imagine the pain he's going through.

He gripped onto me like his life depended on it. I know if something this traumatic happens to someone, you are supposed to be there for them.

And that's what I did.

I never left his side.

I hug him with all the love in me until an officer walks over to us, making me look up from seungmin for the first time since we arrived.

"I would like to question you two regarding the two patients." The man speaks in monotone, similar to the man on the phone earlier. Thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.

"I'm sorry but I don't think my boyfriend is in the best condition right now." My voice comes out hoarse from the crying.

Suddenly seungmins head lifts up and I catch a glimpse of his face. His eyes and nose completely red along with his cheeks being covered in tears. He pushes his top half off of my body and pulls out his hands from around my waist

I can do it.

"Baby are you sure? Don't push yourself okay?" I push strands of his hair out of his swollen eyes.

Seungmin nods before turning to the officer and put up his thumb.

"He agrees but he is mute so I will have to translate for him, is that alright?" I ask not exactly sure how the procedure for such questioning goes.

The officer hesitates for a moment before pulling out a note book, "He can write on this during the questioning to prevent manipulated translation."

I nod and rub the boys back, "it'll be quick. Then we will come back here to wait, alright Minnie?" I give him a quick kiss before standing us up. He takes a hold of my hand as he stumbled through the hospital halls. His body still shaking and his legs wobbly from the panic.

I squeeze his hand in motivation and the officer sits us down ina secluded section of the waiting room. I keep my hand locked with seungmins when he starts speaking.

"So according to the reports, the patient driving had been drugged." The man scrolls on the iPad infront of him.

My breath hitches. My other hand immediately going around seungmins waist to comfort him.

"Along with the fact that the truck that crash into them had no license plate and couldn't be tracked. We assum it was a burner truck."

I can almost see the soul leaving seungmins boyd. Everything circling back around. Because the very same thing happened for him.

"We think it was planned."


Critical condition.

They are in critical condition

His parents could die.

They are currently in comatose, the doctors monitoring their vitals while treating what they can. But it wasn't looking bright.

Seungmins wobbles next to me trying his best to steady himself using my hand. I lead him into my house. His face had become numb from crying and his eyes were bright red. He hasn't signed much since we found out.

Thankfully my parents agreed that he could stay with us for a while because I was sure as hell not going to let him stay in his house alone. We stayed at the hospital all last night but with the news delivered today, we couldn't stay there for longer.

As soon as I open the door, they push past me and pull seungmin into their arms.

"My Seungminnie dear!" My mother cried out while holding the boy tight followed by my father, "Your welcome to stay as long as you like sweetheart."

My parents had found out about me and seungmin dating through the upsetting phone call I had made this morning. The one asking if seungmin could stay while I spoke through tears. The same one where I told them about the afcident.

Maybe it wasn't the ideal way to tell them but they had already known about my plans to ask him and I'm sure they had suspected something when me and him were practically inseperable.

He just nods before turning to look at me, almost asking me to help free him from their grip. I clear my throat, "Actually Minnie and I are quite tired so we are gonna go up to my room."

"Oh right you must be exhausted dear." She pats seungmins hair, "Dinner will be ready soon, rest up till then." She smiles before disappearing through the corridor with my father trailing behind her.

I look back at seungmin, still in the doorway we were trapped in. He looks back up at me, his face unrecognizable. He lifts his hand to my cheek and pulls me in for a quick kiss.

It had only been a few days since we started dating, but I'm so in love with him. Each one of our kisses sends waves of heat through me.

He mouths a 'thank you' before clinging his arms around my waist. I smile at him, one of the first times I had the last two days.

"I would do anything for you."

This is so sad what.

Everyone praying from Mr and Mrs Kim to heal up 🙏🙏🙏🙏😫😫

Hope you enjoyed 😭

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