Chapter 5 - "Im mute sorry"

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"This is the cafeteria, we will have the same lunch period so don't worry about finding a place to sit." I say, finishing off my tour.

Seungmin just stares at me and lifts an eyebrow.

"Not that you uhm have to sit with me aha." I quickly sputter out, feeling my face getting warm.

Seungmin just smiles and nods.

The tour has been pretty awkward, I would show Seungmin a place and he would nod in understanding and then we would just move on. To be honest, it's strange not having someone talk back to you, but I wanted to make him feel included as much as possible.

While I was reflecting, Seungmin had taken out a pencil and paper and was writing something out. After he was finished, he point the paper in my direction so I could read it.

"Can you show me how to get to my first period, it's English, Mr. Sim?"

"Ah yes yeah of course!" I mentally face palm, I can't believe i forgot to actually show him his class.

"Just follow me Seungmin!"

⇷ ⏾ ⇸

As Seungmin and I walk side by side, nearing Mr sims room, I can hear some whispering from people in the halls.

"Is he new or something?"

"Why is he walking with Hyunjin oppa?"

"Ew he's too ugly to be walking with Hyunjin, and what's the bandage?? Weirdo."

"I mean he is kinda handsome-"


I look over at seungmin with a guilty expression, I know he hears the whispers. This is not that uncommon when I talk to somebody new, but, for some reason, I couldn't stand them talking about Seungmin like that.

As we arrive at the classroom, Seungmin stops and turns to look at me with his beautiful dark brown eyes and bows in thanks. I smile back, hoping he doesn't already feel discouraged on his first day.

"Seungmin don't listen to-" I start to reassure him, but I am cut off by somebody calling my name.

I look up at the sound to see Chan running toward us.

"Hyungin ah! I didn't know you switched to English first period!" Chan shines the bright comforting smile he always has.

"Oh hyung, I'm actually here for Seungmin. He's one of the new students this year!" I say while gesturing my hand toward Seungmin.

Seungmin smiles and bows in greeting.

"Oh hi seungmin nice to meet you, I am Chan!" Chan bows in return.

A familiar silence falls upon us again.

Oh Chan must be waiting for him to respond!

"Oh Chan hyung he uhm..." I trail off as seungmin pulls out his paper and pencil again, seeming to understand the silence. He points it at chan once he is finished writing.

"I'm mute sorry"

"Oh, uhm no I'm the one who's should be sorry!" Chan nervously chuckles.

Then chan does something with his hands, which I assume is sign language because when Seungmin sees it his eyes go wide.

Chan knows sign???

Me and Seungmin looked at eachother and then back at Chan, as if we both shared the same thought.

Seungmin responds with something in sign and they both continue to talk as they enter the room and find a seat together.

Well I'm glad he found someone

The bell rings and I leave those two behind as I smile and walk away to my first period.


I sit down at the first desk and Chan sits down next to me, to my surprise, and continued to talk to me, while I responded in sign.

I'm so surprised, how did you learn sign?
I ask with genuine curiosity

"Well my boyfriend actually knows a bit and so he used to practice with me" Chan chuckles, "You should join our table at lunch today, you could even get to meet him!"


I pause for a second trying to hold on my excitement, but then I remember what Hyunjin had mentioned earlier

Sorry Hyunjin already invited me to his table.

"You dummy," Chan says flashing a smile, "Me and Hyunjin sit at the same table!"

Oh right I silently laugh, which causes some pain to my bandages.

There's a silence between us before I speak up, without the speaking part of course.

Can you tell me a bit about Hyunjin?

"Ooh is somebody interested??!!" I turn a light shade of red before violently shaking my head.

"Well Hyunjins pretty popular around the school, I'm sure you noticed his handsome face" Chan grins playfully, "He's really friendly and gets along with everybody, and he is a great painter and dancer!"

Oh he seems nice

"He is but I must warn you, Hyunjin isn't exactly the romantic type, even though everyone wants to date him, he never really lasts in a relationship. I guess you could call him a player?"

A player, I thought he was a nice person? I should probably keep my distance...

Our conversation ends as Mr sim walks in to begin the lesson.

That also explains the whispers, why did he invite someone like me to sit with him.
I think to myself as the boring lesson continues

⇷ ⏾ ⇸

Once the class ends me and Chan have to part ways and as I navigate myself to my second period I, not surprisingly, find myself lost. I look around hoping to find some kind of clue as to where I could be.

I wasn't exactly looking forward and I accidentally bump into a group of boys, falling onto my back.

"Yah new kid, watch where ya going!" One of the boys yells out glaring at me with angry eyes.

I get up and dust myself off before bowing and trying to get myself out of this situation. I guess it's not my lucky day because as I walk away, one of the boys pulls me back by my back pack.

"Where do you think your going cutie?" One of them says on a creepy voice,"You don't get to mess with us and then walk up and leave!"

They push me up against a locker, I try to wave my hand infront of my neck to symbolize I can't talk, but they push my hands to my sides.

"Don't wanna say anything huh? Or are you too much of a pussy?" They laugh as I try to struggle out of their grasp. I can feel some tears brimming my eyes. I felt so helpless.

One of them notices the bandage on my neck, "Aw did cutie get hurt?" He fake pouts before choking me in the exact spot.

It hurt like hell

I try to push him of me but I'm useless even in my idol body. As he noticed my relentless struggle, he tightens the grip.

Just as I'm about to give up, figure slams into the bully, knocking him to the ground. I immediately drop the floor holding my neck as I can feel the wound open and bleed again underneath the bandage. I was breathing heavily, shaken up by the whole experience as blood begins to cover my hands.

After about a minute, l feel a persons hand rest on my back. They seem to realize my condition and they sit at my side, holding me in their arms to subside the panic.

When I finally look at the person who had saved me, I'm met with a worried glare from someone I recognize. My heart started beating faster than I remember being normal.

"Seungmin..." Hyunjin's voice cracks..

Taken - Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now