Chapter 24 - Camp

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That certainly was a lot to take in.

To find out someone you love so deeply has been living a life of a star, for him to crumble and be so broken now.

It hurts me, because it hurt him.

I know he's healing but I can't imagine the most precious thing to me to be taken right as I was about to hold onto it so tight.

That's what happened with his voice.

Sometimes I wonder what the universe thinks when it puts tradgedy on the innocent.

But now I'm more worried.

If that stalker is the same one that got to seungmin before, the one who tried to kill him.

What am I supposed to do?

I can't just let him get hurt when whoever is after him is so capable of dangerous things.

I feel so helpless.

The only thing I can do is stay by his side...

I love him so much.

I love him no matter his past or his problems.

I watch his head laying on my shoulder, his eyes closed and lips slightly parted. His breathing steady, fast asleep.

He's so precious.

So fragile, he was broken into pieces that I'm willing to put back together.

I would do anything for him.

"Man I can't believe I didn't realize this sooner!" A whisper shout from my side catches my attention. The dimpled boy sits on the seat across the aisle from mine and seungmins. We are on the bus on the way to our camping trip, the one our whole friend group decided on going.

"Yeah you are definitely very obvious with your love." Chan moves his head from the window seat to chime in behind his boyfriend.

"Shut up you and innie are way more obvious." I whisper shout back, trying not to wake the boy snuggled into my neck. "Just look at you guys right now!"

I gesture toward the hand placed on Jeongins lap, the hand belonging to Chan. "Yeah well atleast me and channie didn't beat around the bush and are dating eachother!" The youngest snaps back, causing his boyfriend to pat his head to calm him down.

I stick my tongue out at them before reverting my attention to the boy on my shoulder. Smiling softly.

I wonder how he dealt with this on his own.

If he ever felt lonely and lost and being unable to talk only made things more lonely.

I place a small kiss on his hair.

I promise I won't tell anybody because your not alone now and neither am I. Atleast we can enjoy this trip without worried because the stalker didn't follow us.



"Baby we are here..."

I feel a soft hand in my hair as I hesitantly open my eyes. I'm met with the handsomest boy I've ever seen, right infront of my face. Blush creeps up my cheeks once I realize where I had been sleeping.

'Sorry' I mouth to him as he giggles.

"Your so cute seungmin-ah, now come on we have to get our bags." Hyunjin pushes himself out of the seat and holds his hand out

I nod, grabbing his hand, as let out a long yawn before grabbing our overhead bags and stepping off the bus.

I get a view of the camp grounds we will be staying at for the weekend.

I don't know what I was expecting because I've never been camping before, but this was certainly not it.

We were in the middle of absolutely no where.

I'm quite the city boy and this was pretty strange to look at. Almost scary. Eerie.

There were tents and stuff and it was on a campground so it was technically safe.

But damn did it not feel safe.

I feel a hand snake around my waist and a head bury into my neck. I turn to face the boy and give him a bear hug.

"Woah Minnie being affectionate today?" He playfully grins as he hugs me back.

I pull away and look into his eyes. We are staying in the same tent right?

"Yes of course we are baby don't worry." He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. He reasssures me multiple times as we walk with our bags to the rest of the group.

The nerves still remain as the camp counselor explains what's going to happen.

" there are going to be multiple activities each day and you don't get to go back to your tents and sleep and eat until you finished your activities." The counselor finished off her rant earning the crowd to boo about the crazy rules here.

"GUYS this will be a learning exercise and you will get to know your classmates so stop whining!" A few groan feom the crowd before everyone is ushered to go to their tents to get unpacked.

I tap Hyunjins shoulder as we grab out bags and walk to pick out our tent, Jinnie i don't think anyone here knows sign.

"Hmm your right," He scans through the kids on the trip, "I'll stay with you baby and I'll translate if you need it." He kisses my hand and pulls me along.

We pick one of the tents away from the forest, obviously because I'm not trying to see a bear in my last moments.

The tents are nice, but definitely not as good as the cabins that the teachers got. We put our bags towards the back of the tent hoping it would help it stay put and we lay out our sleeping bags.

"Minnie... we have to go to the fire, it's dinner." I nod, unfolding a blanket and laying it out. We interlock hands and exit the tent.

We coincidently meet up Chan, who carries his boyfriend on his back. "Hyung! Did you guys like the grounds." Hyunjin shouts as we walk up to the couple.

"What do you mean did we like the grounds! I have to sleep on the ground! How is this enjoyable.." The boy on Chan's back rants about how this weekends going to be hell and if he didn't have channie as a pillow he would probably go home.

We find a seat on the logs by one of the fires, waiting for our group to arrive. The teachers come around handing each of us a sandwich for dinner and everything feels great.

The 9 of us together around a fire, Felix and jisung hugging eachother to make up for lost time since they aren't going to be tentmates. Jeongin sing a song to chan and Changbin and Minho fighting with the marshmallow sticks. Our perfect dynamic.

I lean my head on the boy next to me's shoulder as he talks about a story about going camping when he was younger. His voice so soothing, I could listen for hours.

For some reason my attention finds itself falling onto Yeonjun, the boy silently roasting his marshmallow over the fire. He seems to be eeriely staring our way.

I realize he's looking at Hyunjin.

The boy then does something that both me and Hyunjin notice, causing him to stop talking.

He winks.

At Hyunjin.

What the hell!??

I realized the chapter numbering on this and my other book were messed up so I fixed it now sorry abt that!
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Hope you enjoyed this filler!

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