Chapter 3 - I hated everything

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A truck had rammed into my car while I was slipping out of consciousness.

A glass shard from the shattered windshield had pierced my neck, permanently ripping my vocal cords.

When first responders found my body, they were certain i was dead based on how much blood i had lost, however under some miracle, i survived.

Much of the rest of my body was mostly intact, however I had been in a coma for about 3 days so it was hard to move my body for now.

But I couldn't care less about not walking for a day...

My whole career is ruined.

Seungmin Kim will never sing again

Everything I worked hard for was gone in a flash.

All I could do was sob in my parents arms for hours.

The doctors said I will never speak again and will have to learn sign language in order to communicate now.

They said the hangover relief I had taken was just sedatives in a hangover relief bottle. There is no way that was a coincidence, someone had placed the bottle there.

Someone had tried to kill me.

Thankfully no news outlet had realized the event. To America I was still a healthy star celebrity. I can cry just thinking about it.

I lost my mansion because I can't keep up with the expenses, and my parents are all I have.

I quit JYP and told them to not tell the public the reason behind my departure.

My parents think it's best to take me back to Korea with them and continue my school there without being under the public's eye. My parents aren't exactly the richest and they don't have much money to their name, so I will have to move into their small apartment. I wish I had shared some my success with them...

The success I no longer have.

I didn't have time to say goodbye to the life i knew in America, everything i have been through in the past 17 years will have to be left behind

Now I was sitting in the window seat of a plane 2 days later, ready to leave it all. I was wearing a hat and sunglasses trying to disguise myself and my parents were going to fly in after me to make sure no paparazzi found us and no one was suspicious.

"I know its going to be hard... but you still have me and your father here for you. We will never leave you Seungmin." My mom tries to comfort me while on facetime. I was trying my best to communicate with her with the amount of sign language I had learned within the past week, which was actually quite a lot.

But i hated it

I hated everything.


Todays the first day back from break and I sat with the usual group at lunch. The day was going pretty well and it felt good to be back! I even navigated and made friends with some of the new kids.

"Hyunjin hyung, have you decided what your going to do for your foreign language credit"  Jeongin asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah you better get that done with or your not graduating" Felix adds with his mouth half full.

Oh shoot a foreign langauge?? Why didn't i remember that earlier?

"Oh yeah im doing uhmmm..." I look around hoping for something to help me when i spot a sign language poster, "Sign language! Right ahaha"

The whole table turns to look at me with a weird stare.

"Hyung, did you forget about the credit and just got that from that poster over there?" Jeongin said pointing toward the sign language poster that had tried to save me.

"Man your too smart for your own good" I sigh looking down to continue eating. "Yet you still took forever to realize Chan was crushing on you." A smug smile plays on my lips

"YAH!" Jeongin yells while holding back his laughter.

"Its not too late, go to your councelor and sign up" Chan says, actually caring about Hyunjins graduation requirements.

"Yeah yeah whatever.." I mumble while chewing slowly on my food

"Hyunjin like RIGHT NOW"

"OH RIGHT!" i jump up and speedwalk my way toward the counselors office.

⇷ ⏾ ⇸

When I arrive there, the counselor is on the phone with somebody, so I just take a seat and wait for my turn. I'm a polite person.

Minutes tick by and I just can't help but eavesdrop. Being polite gets boring you know?

"Mhm yeah we have lots of options for non verbal people, our schools are always willing to make accommodations for our students." The counselors speaks with a warm tone.

Non verbal? Do we have another new student?

"Yes yes we are very excited for him to join us! See you soon!" She ends the call and puts all her attention towards me, with a warm smile.

"Uhm hi mrs I just wanted to ask if I could switch my 4th period, I need to take my language credit."

"Ah yes you must be Hyunjin!" Her smile only grew as she continued. "I was just going to call you over here, we have a new student coming in and I need you to stay by his side since you've been getting along with all the new kids."

Hyunjin looked confused. What does this have to do with my language credit??

"He can't speak and we want you to help him around the school. Since you need a language credit, you can take sign language with him!" The counselor finishes feeling satisfied with her plan.

So I am taking sign language after all..

But Hyunjin didn't know what he was getting himself into when he agreed...

HIII GUYS!! I'm sure you can kinda see where this story is going and I hope it's exciting looking!
Btw if your confused
= Some time passing but under the same pov
※⁘⁙⁙⁘※ = Pov changing and could take place at a different time than the previous pov

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