10k special - Changlix - The truth

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*the day after Yeonjuns arrest*

Felix could feel the way the cold January winds were pricking his skin. They were like tiny glass shards flying toward his face, forcing him to close his eyes to bare it.

He only opens his eyes to check the clock on his phone for what felt like the thousandth time. The minutes seemed slow as he closes them again. He takes a deep breath when the event that happened the day prior come to mind.

The incident where his best friend was hospitalized and could potentially go blind, while his mute boy friend, who was also Felix's best friend, had his whole house ransacked, almost burned, and almost got shot at the hands of Choi yeonjun. The two of them almost died all while the boyfriends parents were just barely recovering from an almost fatal car accident.

It was certainly a lot.

He had gave his support, as much as one can in such a insane situation. But now he had burning questions. For a certain someone who he had lived to trust.

"Sorry I'm late Lix."

The younger looks up at his name, infront of him stands a slightly shorter man. Quite muscular with black wavy hair that covered his forehead. His nose was red from the cold and his jacket zipped to his neck.

"Hey Changbin hyung." Felix slightly smiles before bringing the shorter in for a hug. The warmth that filled him almost blinded him of what the motive of this meeting was.

It was like he couldn't think straight in his presence.

Changbin sniffles quietly before sitting down on a bench beside them, "Y-you wanted to see me?"

Felix takes this opportunity to quickly sit next to the older, taking a hold of both of his hands and making sure his eyes were on him. "Hyung?"

Changbin stares at him, his eyes slightly wet and his cheeks reddening. "Hm?"

"Please be honest with me." Felix starts out, making sure he didn't look away. That's all he wanted from the older. Honesty. It's what felt like they were lacking.


"What did you have to do with Yeonjun?" Felix quickly blurts out, the question that had been circling his mind for ages. It felt as if Changbin was always there in the suspicious moments. He seemed close to the convict, and he seemed off these past weeks.

Felix wanted to know the truth. Once and for all.


"Hey your names changbin right?"

"Hm?" The boy turns around, and basically looked up, to see a familiar boy standing infront of him. The new kid. "Oh Yeonjun hyung!"

"Nice to formally meet you!" Yeonjun smiles and puts out his hand as changbin takes it and they shake. "Felix told me a lot about you!"

Changbin face warms, "he did?"

"He did." Yeonjun smirks

"All good things I hope." Changbin nervously rubs his neck, but Yeonjun laughs.

"The best of things," The older smiles, "He's quite the sunshine eh?"

The two of them laugh about it. Their mutual, Felix, was indeed a ray of sunshine. The two continued to talk as they made their way to class.

And that was the start of it. Changbin and Yeonjun really clicked. Atleast that's what changbin thought. Yeonjun always seemed interested in the same things he was and it was almost like they got along a little too well.

Taken - Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now