Chapter 31 - Numb

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"MOVE OUT THE FUCKING WAY!!" Hyunjin screams pulling me through the crowd.

It's all falling.

Maybe it's my fate to be unhappy.

People swarm the halls trying to look for the boy who was a top celebrity in America. Many not even knowing I was a student here or merely catagorizing me as Hwang Hyunjins boy or the mute kid.

Only after realizing my previous fame did they pass a glance. I guess these students never met someone famous and decided that crowding them and asking for pictures is the best thing to do.

Cameras flash and people scream out my name. I stay numb. No more shock on my face.

"I SAID MOVE!" Hyunjins voice booms over all the screaming students. His grip on my hand tight and when I glance up at him his face is almost red with anger.

He leads me through the halls to the main enterance, he needed to get me out of there.

Even though I still had 3 more exams to take.

He pushes open the door to a cold breeze hitting our faces. He opens his bag in a swift motion and pulls out a scarf, wrapping it around my face. He grabs my hand again and we run toward the back enterance, where only people go to smoke or make out.

As soon as we lose the crowd he stops and puts his hands on his knees to breathe.

I've learned to be numb when things like this happen. If I had been exposed like this months ago I would've been sobbing, but I've become used to incidents like these. Ones where my life practically gets ruined over and over again.

I grip the sides of his shirt in my fist and place my head into his chest. He immediately pulls me into his embrace.

"Baby..." He pats the back of my head as I lean into his touch.

We stay like that for a few heartbeats. In eachothers embrace, knowing we are the only ones who can protect eachother, all while cold wind swirls around us. Taunting us with its whistles

I don't cry.

I'm a smart person. I've never failed a class. Always remained on top at school. And outside of school. I climbed my way to the top of the music industry in just a few months of my career. Shooting myself to fame. I've been through so much.

Im a smart person.

I pull my hands away.

Jinnie I'm not going to be sad anymore


We have to find out whose behind this. I lift my head to look into his eyes. That's the only way we can go back to normal otherwise they'll keep trying.

"You're... ready now? For the police?" His voice shallow

I'm ready to tell them everything.


"What the actual fuck just happened!" Felix puts his head into his hands.

"H-he never told us anything? Our best friend was a celebrity!??" Minho joins his panicking, "And Hyunjin knows right?"

"Of course he does." Jisung stated calmly.

"Is this not a surprise to you or something?"

Jisung shrugs, "I always knew he had a past to hide-"

"I can't believe this is real!!!" Felix yells into his hands.

"Dont you guys think your doing too much?" Jeongin speaks up, "I mean think about it? Something must've happened to him!"

Chan adds to his boyfriend, "Yeah and he was a singer, it must've been hard for him to go mute, yeah?"

Jisung stands up, "We have to go find him. If someone exposed him like this he must be going through it. Not to mention his parents."

Felix stands up with him, "Your right! He needs our help."

The group gets up, rushing toward the awamrs people in the hallway. Hoping to find the boy and his boyfriend.

Pushing through the hallway crowd certainly wasn't easy, not to mention it was free period. Even people from the library and study halls had ran out to the commotion. Forgetting about their exams to the sudden news.

Teachers yelling at students to get back to their previous rooms and stop their hunt for the celebrity, all while jisung pulls out his phone and simply checks their location.

"Their still at the school," Jisung continues look at his phone while walking, "Probably in the back by the dumpsters."

With that the group finds their way to the boys in mere minutes, hacking the system almost.

They arrive to two hugging boys.

"SEUNGMINNIE!!!" Felix immediately jumps into the mute boys arms, pushing his boyfriend off of him.

The rest of the boys follow, surrounding him in a large group hug. Though startled, seungmin hugs back with a sense of relief.

How did you guys find us?

Jisung raises his hand, "it wasn't that hard."

With a small chuckle Chan placed a hand on seungmins shoulder, "Is it true?" He looks into the boys eyes with questioning.

He nods.

I'm sorry I never told you guys. Seungmin signs while looking at his feet, I got into an accident before I moved to Korea and it resulted in me losing my voice. It was really hard for me and so I left the country. I just wanted a fresh start here.

For a moment, the group is silent. Maybe some of them didn't understand certain signs but they all understoodthe basis of what was said.

With a loud cry, Jeongin pulls him back into another hug. The rest following to create another group hug. "It's okay seungmin-ah we understand." Jeongin sniffles out.

"I can't believe you were really that famous!" Minho blurts out, earning a nudge in the side by jisung. "I mean I always thought you were really handsome heh."

Seungmin silently laughs, I guess you guys must be shocked

"Just a bit." Felix mumbles, "But it's cool to know more about you! It doesn't change the fact that your our friend."

A third group hug commenced after that one.

"I hope you know," Chan pulls away to face the group, his leader energy radiating "We will always be by your side no matter your past."

Though so many tragedies occurring in this young boys life in less than half a year, he still feels blessed.

No matter what fate throws at him, he knows he has people to care about. People he cares about. Reasons for him to live.

It all makes it worth it.

Thank you

Double update
Good luck next chapter 😭😭

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