Chapter 7 - Why does he care so much?

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Seungmin and I walk down the empty halls together, our hand occasionally brushing. My face still a bit red from what Seungmin had said at the lunch table. The way he knew exactly how I was feeling, I've never had someone notice the little things like this.

It made my heart flutter.

Why does he care so much, we just met... maybe he is just returning the favor..

While I was contemplating, the very boy of my thoughts abruptly stops walking and looks at me. His face seemed confused as he took out his phone and typed something

"Hyunjin I think I forgot where the room is"

I couldn't help but giggle at the message as Seungmin stood there with a small pout.

He's too cute

"Your such a dumbass Seungmin, follow me." My laughter slowing down as he trails behind me and we make our way to the class.

"Woah would you look at that!" I playfully grin at the shorter while pointing at the class sign ahead of us, "Its the sign language class!!"

He sticks his tongue out at me as we walk into the empty classroom and sit in the last two seats. I'm still giggling at Seungmins cute face.

Once we sit down, there is a moment of silence before one of us speaks up, the one speaking being me of course.

"Seungmin, I just had a great idea, do you want teach me some sign right now?"

Seungmin rolls his eyes and I laugh at his ability to show so much emotion without talking.

I watch as Seungmin pulls out a paper and pencil, he writes down each letter of the alphabet and points to them while making a hand sign. I smile as I follow along with his movements.

This went on for about 20 minutes, I learn how to introduce myself and some basic conversation. The way Seungmin was so focused on what he was writing, something about it made me feel weird.  I lay my head down on my desk, taking in every feature of the boy infront of me. He looks a bit familiar, like somebody who could be a celebrity. His nose perfectly angled, his eyes so deep and beautiful. His hair, perfectly made, not a strand out of place. His lips created with precision.

He's so... perfect.

Seungmin turns to face me, realizing I was definitely not paying any attention toward his lesson. We lock eyes and I melt into his stare.

Even though we just met, I feel so drawn to him..


A group of students and a teacher flood into the classroom, interrupting me and Hyunjins moment. I blink and quickly look away, my face heating up, as students begin to sit next to us.

Of course a lot of people were trying to get a seat in the back next to us, they wanted every chance to get close to Hwang Hyunjin. I could feel eyes on me as I was sitting right next to that very person, lots of questioning whispers of who I was could be heard from the next class over. Every seat by Hyunjin was filled immediately.

But nobody sat in the seat next to me.

I look back over at Hyunjin, but he was already deep in conversation with about 5 other people by this time. I silently sigh knowing he's the only person I know in this room. Ugh did he really have to abandon me like that? Honestly he's the real dumbass.

Soon after, all the desks in the classroom were filled and a cute boy with big cheeks had ended up sitting in the empty seat next to me.

The teacher told us to settle down and pick a partner to begin the lesson. I heard people yell out for Hyunjin to be their partner, they were really that desperate to have some attention from the boy. Honestly pretty embarassing if you ask me.

Taken - Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now