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"THE SINGER? REALLY???" The other girl brings a hand to her mouth in shock.

"W-WHAT YOUR LYING!" One of the girls screams, taking a hold of the others phone. The three of them almost to tears at the news.

Just then the page refreshes, a new video showing up of the celebrity on a stage. The video posted only 30 seconds ago.

The girls look at eachother for a moment before turning back and immediately clicking on it.

It was a press conference.


Seungmin takes slow steps up the stairs to the stage. It all reminded him of the moments before when he sang his heart out on stages like this at the beginning of his career.

"You got this Minnie." His mothers voice echos behind him. She stands behind the boy with the left side of her head wrapped and her arm in a cast. Though she still tries to give him a 'hwaiting!' Even though only one arm of hers works.

Seungmins dad behind her in a chair with a sweet smile on his face. His neck held up with a trunk cast and his arms and legs wrapped with bandages.

Those two have always supported the boy.

Always wishing him luck on all his stages, big or small.

Seungmins friends had already gave him quick hugs and kind words before going to find their seats.

He returns to climbing the first step until one last voice interupts him.


A smile creeps seungmins lips as he slowly turns his head. His eyes meet with the most handsome boy he had ever met. The eyes he wishes he could spend eternity looking into.

Those of the person who gave him meaning.

The person he will love until the day he dies.

The older swings his arms around his neck, leaning in for a hug. Seungmins hands immediately go around his waist and the warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach returns. The one he always get when he's around. Hyunjins grip around seungmin is tight as he places kisses on his head.

Seungmin pulls away to look at him once more. Hyunjin had the left side of his face still covered in bandages.

The doctors said he was very close to going blind, it was miracle the trophy had only cut through his eyelid and cheeks. Other than the amount of blood he lost, nothing was too concerning.

Hyunjin was recovering well.

A part of seungmin hurts seeing people he loves like this.

But it's not his fault.

It's not.

It's hard to remember that sometimes.

Hyunjin doesn't let his injury stop him from flashing the brightest smile. His heart melting one that made Seungmin fall for him in the first place.

"You're going to do great baby." His voice a whisper, not a hint of doubt in his words.

Seungmin smile back, mouthing a 'I love you'

"I love you too." Hyunjin pulls the boys face toward his lips, meeting them with a soft touch. Seungmin melts immediately, responding with a kiss full of love. Like nothing matters as long as they love one another.

Perfectly symbolizing their relationship so far.

Seungmin flashes him one last smile before pulling away and turning back to the stairs. With a deep breath, he begins to move his feet toward the stage.

Taken - Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now