Chapter 27 - Perfect night

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"Mm I haven't seen him sorry guys." Jake bows before walking back off to his group. Leaving me and Felix to let out discouraged sighs. This being the 3rd person we asked, to no avail.

"Don't you think it's been a while? He should be here by now..." Felix mutters with streamers still in his hair.

"Stop making me worry your supposed to be the sunshine." I groan while I help brush off the boy as he seemed to have gotten carried away with the decorations.

"Yah I'm just trying to help, like we've been gone for a good 10 mins and he's still not here? Did he leave or something?"

"Wait you mean you haven't seen him since we were in the forest?" My eyes widen as the boy shrugs.

"Yeah now that you mention it..."

"FELIX!" The boy jumps back at my suddenly yell, "HE CANT SPEAK!! AND YOU LEFT HIM IN THE FOREST?"

"Well I didn't mean t-" He starts mumbling.

"Felix... I'm never ever going to help you in dance ever again." I give him the hand before turning away.


I rush back toward the trees, Felix and I had been working on a cute area, that Mr Choi somehow approved me to do, in the woods that I was going to take seungmin to after dinner. But when we had made it back to the main clearing made by the teachers, he was no where to be seen.

This camp has no service, the boy is in unfamiliar woods, and he can't even speak. I can't believe I let this happen.

"SEUNGMIN!!!" I call out as I run deeper through the woods. He couldn't have gotten that off trail, so he must be close by.

The more I look the more my inner panic rises. This was supposed to be our perfect night where I would finally ask him. But then I start feeling the drops on my face.

If anything couldn't get worse, it got worse. From just a few drops, rain starts pouring down. This is when things get real.

Seungmin cannot get sick, it really hurts him to sneeze or cough since it irritates what's left of his throat. I don't even think he wore a hoodie today. And now he's alone in the pouring rain.

Shit shit shit

"SEUNGMIN! FOLLOW MY VOICE!" I desperately yells as I push through bushes hoping to find him as soon as possible.

My mind runs races. I keep failing him time after time. I promise to keep him safe and he ends up like this. What am I even doing?

He doesn't deserve someone who can't protect him.

"SEUNG-" I'm cut off by a body ramming into my side, hooking it's self onto my waist tightly.

I look down to see the boy with his hair matted down and his shoes covered in mud. His shaking body holding onto me with his life.

"Jagiya!" I pull him off my side to give him a better hug. He buried his head in my chest. Relief floods my heart. "Minnie I'm sorry." I run my fingers through his soaked hair and I try to soothe his shaking. Occasionally planting kisses on his scalp followed by sweet nothings.

He doesn't seem to budge from this position, and as much as I love holding him, we are still in a forest with rain pouring on us.

With one smooth motion, I pull his body into my arms with his legs crossing around my waist and his head hurried into my neck. I carry him out the way I came, moving as fast as you possibly can with a 17 year old in your arms. The whole time the boy was holding on to me with small noises escaping his mouth.

Taken - Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now