Chapter 13 - New kid

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"He's soo tall too, literally daddy material!" Jeongin exclaims while jumping around the lunch table, explaining it to everyone who'd listen.

"Yah innie you know I'm right here!" His boyfriend, Chan, has an obvious pout on his face from his lovers boldness while Jeongin just giggles.

"He's not wrong though, we needed some new hot people in this school," Jisung adds, "The last one was probably Seungmin hehe."

My face slightly heats as I feel Hyunjin turn my way and smile at Jisungs comment. Jisung and Jeongin could probably heard from mars with their loud fanboying over the new kid and gossip they just had to share about all the simping they have heard so far.

"Omg this is exciting, a new student finally!" Jeongin dramatically sighs, "If I'm gonna be honest I was getting kinda tired of you guys and-" The savage maknae gets silenced with a slice of an apple shoved into his mouth by his boyfriend.

"Well I still haven't even seen him." Minho mumbles while stuffing his face with rice and still trying to find his way into the conversation, nobody but Jisung really noticing his comment.

"We can go an talk to him tomorrow Minho!" Jisung smiles at the older, trying his best not to stutter at the very sight of him.

The table is full of conversation about the new boy, not only ours but every other table too. It's quite the event I guess.

"I think he might be in our sign class Seungmin," Hyunjin smiles warmly at me, getting my attention as and i joyfully nod.

We should talk to him!

"Great idea Minnie."


"Okay class settle down!"

The class slowly quiets as the final bell rings.

"As you may have noticed, our school has gotten a new student and he will be joining our class!" The teacher exclaims while pacing around the room.

Cheers from students across the classroom ring out, as well as fresh gossip. Whispers could be heard from the room over.

"I heard he studied in the US, at a music school too!!"

"Yeah I thought he was like a celebrity or something?"

"Omg what's he doing in Korea now?"

"He's too fine to be a regular kid hehe"

Now I was obviously invested in the drama and I he was fully curious to see the boy.

But as he walks in, my heart drops.

"Hello my name is Choi Yeonjun! I just transferred from California to here in Seoul!"

More cheers ring out but suddenly I can't hear anything.

My head is spinning and oxygen is out of my reach.

Hyunjin notices and takes my hand under the table. He squeezes it tightly and rubs his thumb over my knuckles hoping it would calms me, but only one thing runs bright my mind.

Why is he here?

He's going to tell everyone...


Seungmin?" I wave my hand infront of the boys face as we walk to the cafe after school. Ever since 4th hour, he has been acting all weird.

I know something is bothering him.

Taken - Seungjin Where stories live. Discover now