Hunter Exam

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Y/N Pov:

Someone's knocking at the's Killua


You gasp as you just remembered that you almost forgot about it, you hurry to change, run out of your room and see Killua waiting for you rather bored because you took too long to change.

you were dressed up like this

 The two of you walk out of the house and reach the place where the exam will be held

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The two of you walk out of the house and reach the place where the exam will be held. You noticed that there were exactly 100 people, that's because a bean-looking man held you and Killua two targets with a number: you were number 100 and Killua was number 99.

You saw a man walking towards you two but you looked at him with bloodlust in your eyes to make him walk in another direction.

The man approaches you despite the scaring look you gave. He introduced himself as Tonpa and tried to gave you and Killua two cans of a drink that gave off a very strong smell of laxative. You noticed it but you drink it anyway(also Killua drink it) because you were immune at those things and also you wanted him to leave without resorting to the strong ways.

As Tonpa leave without saying a word you close your eyes to rest a little bit before the exam begins.

You open your eyes as you hear someone screaming and after that you hear someone say "Ohh but how strange his arms seem to have become flower petals...there is no trick, there is no deception. Be careful〜when you hit someone you should really say sorry〜"

'What an eccentric, show off yourself just because they bumped you' you thought as you rolled your eyes. A few minutes later you hear another voice saying "My name is Satotz and I'm the examiner for the first phase. The only thing you have to do is follow me to the place of the second phase.

We start running and I noticed that three new people were approaching us: one was a little young boy with green hair, one with blonde hair and the last one was a man with glasses and a suitcase with him. I heard that their name were Kurapika, Leorio and Gon who had the same age as Killua.

As I saw Killua talking and having fun with Gon, I started running faster than them to leave him alone with his new friend but while I was trying to I accidentally bump into someone....."Sorry, I got distracted by my younger brother and-" you didn't finished as you were stopped by a finger on your mouth and a sensual voice said "Ohh don't worry darling〜" as he said so, you hit him and you leave him surprised. You ignored him and start running with the rest of the participants.


Author's note

Sorry I know that this chapter is quite short, the next will be more longer.

Sorry if I will not post regularly, I promise that Chapter 2 will come soon.

In the meantime enjoy this first chapter and thank you for all the support❤️🫶🏻

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