"Please no"

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Killua's POV:

I saw Hisoka take Onesan by her wrist and drag her into the room "Gon let's enter too. We need some rest before the next match" he nodded and opened the door.

"I need a shower. Can I go first?" Gon asked and I nodded. While I was waiting for Gon to come out I could hear the shower running from their room and I hoped I wouldn't have to hear anything else.

"Killua, you can enter" Gon said drying his hair as he came out of the bathroom. I entered the shower 'So relaxing' I thought enjoying the hot water while I got lost in my thoughts.

"Killua! Killua! Can I enter?" Gon asked while knocking at the door and make me come back to reality "Give me a second!" I yelled as I came out of the shower, then after putting my clothes on I opened the door and saw Gon a bit worried.

"Hey Gon, is everything okay?"he scrolled his head and said "I think something bad is happening, but I don't know if it's Y/N-san's room or another" as Gon said this I was shocked 'Please no' I thought then I looked at the bed and said "I think you heard wrong, let's go to sleep" he nodded and lay on the bed.

The next morning

I woke up before Gon and went to the cafeteria for having breakfast and found Onesan sat on a table probably waiting for Hisoka so I decided to approach her "Good morning Killua, did you slept well?" she asked me sweetly.

"Not really...what did you guys do yesterday?" she almost chocked one her coffee as I said this "Just having fun〜" Hisoka said as he approached us while putting a hand on Onesan's shoulder, then he began to kiss her passionately but she stops him

"Hisoka there's Killua here, please stop" she said and I looked away trying to make her thinking that I don't care "Then we'll continue in our room〜" Hisoka said while taking her bridal style and walking towards their room 'I hope Gon's already awake' I thought while walking towards our room.

Illumi's POV:

'Why do I have to cover that crazy with the Phantom Troupe while he's having fun with my sister' I thought a bit annoyed and I decided to call Y/N 'cause I think she can convince him to come here. The phone rang for a bit than she answered
"Hi Illu, what's the matter?"
"Is Hisoka near you?"
"Yes I'm here and you just interrupted us〜"
"Oh...ahem...Anyway, Hisoka you bastard come here! I'm tired of always having to cover you!"
"Hisoka what he's talking about?"
"Nothing baby come here〜"
I could hear him kissing her and making her moaning quietly then she gasp and ended the call.

Anyway, Hisoka you bastard come here! I'm tired of always having to cover you!""Hisoka what he's talking about?""Nothing baby come here〜" I could hear him kissing her and making her moaning quietly then she gasp and ended the call

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'Okay I guess they had something more important to do' I thought then Chrollo send me a message because he wanted to see me, well Hisoka, near the refuge, so I changed my aspect and went there.

"No need to change your aspect I know you are not the real Hisoka" Chrollo immediately said as he saw me, I was a bit surprised but I simply said "How do you know it?" He was shocked and then laughed "Show me your true self and go to the real Hisoka to tell me that he must reach us by September 30"

I nodded to him, revealed my true face and introduced myself as Illumi Zoldyck "I'll go tell him, but it won't be easy to get him off my sister" he seemed a little curious to know what I was talking about but he just said "You can join us if you want" I walked away while pointing out that I didn't care.

A few days later

I just arrived at the Heaven's Arena and reached the 200th floor thanks to my previous registration, so I went to the desk and asked the girl where the room of Y/N Zoldyck was and she gave me the key. Before entering the room I knocked and Hisoka opened the door while looking at me with surprise "Oh hey Illu, what are you doing here?" Y/N said and welcomed me.

"I'm here to talk with you two" I said after entering the room, Hisoka looked at me a bit surprised while Y/N nodded as a sign that I can continue so I explained them everything "WHY YOU DIDN'T TOLD ME YOU WHERE PART OF THE PHANTOM TROUPE!" Y/N yelled at Hisoka after slapping him.

"I'm sorry baby" he said and kissed her on the cheek "Anyway you'll have to reach the troupe NOW" she said and I smiled a bit 'cause then I won't have to replace him anymore "Okay but you come with me" he said and I woke up from my thoughts "No she stay with me now, I need her for a work" she looked confused at us while we were discussing

"WAIT YOU TWO CALM DOWN! Hisoka why you want me to come with you?" Hisoka looked at me like he had won something "Because you're my girlfriend and you're only mine" she blushed and smiled but I replied "Okay she's your girlfriend but after all she's my sister and we have a work to do"

"Illumi you're just jealous and remember...I know when you're lying" she said and told Hisoka she would follow him 'That freak is to possessive towards Y/N and I don't like it' I thought then saw Killua coming out of the room next to me "Illumi what are you doing here?"

"Don't worry Kil, I'm leaving" I said and silently followed Hisoka and Y/N because I don't know why but I feel kinda worry about her.

Author's note
Hi everyone I hope you're well😁
Sorry if I didn't post for so much time but a lot of things happened during this period
I hope you're enjoying it🫶🏻🫶🏻

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