From phase 1 to phase 2

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Hisoka's POV:

I entered the room where the exam would take place, the bean-looking man gave me number 44. As I was annoyed I tried to reach a seat where I could rest for some minutes, but while I was trying to, someone bumped into me and so I transmuted his arms into flower petals and said "Ohh but how strange his arms seem to have become flower petals...there is no trick, there is no deception. Be careful〜when you hit someone you should really say sorry〜"

While everyone was looking at me with fear, I noticed a very beautiful girl with mid-long blue hair and intense black eyes. She looked annoyed by my attitude and I loved her expression of disappointment, I think she's really powerful but seem that she's trying to hide her power.

When the first phase started, someone hurt me, I turned to see who it was and I saw the girl I was watching before apologising. 'How can she be so beautiful' I thought..I stopped her from talking by putting my finger on her mouth and say "Ohh Don't worry darling〜"

As I said this she hit me and tried to take the distance from me by running with the other participants. I started running faster to reach her and I took her bridal style while she was trying to get off of me and with a cold, creepy look she says "Are you gonna put me down or do you want me to break your arm NOW?"

Y/N's POV:

When I thought I was far enough away from him, I felt lifted from the ground and with a cold, creepy look in my eyes I said "Are you gonna put me down or do you want me to break your arm NOW?"

He immediately put me down and I tried to leave him behind by running faster but, as I noticed that he had no intention to leave me alone, I slow down and let him flank me. He make an happy smirk.

1 hour later

We finally get in front of the location where the second phase takes place. It was a cooking test... I was quite sure that I could easily pass this phase.
As we entered the court a girl starts saying "My name is Menchi, this guy behind me is Buhara.
We are Gourmet Hunters and we are the examiners of this phase. Pay attention it's not that easy to satisfy my tastes. For this phase you have to make sushi for me and grilled pork for Buhara"

Everyone rushed out like a herd of mad animals, while the man who was following me from the beginning of the first phase and I recovered the ingredients very calmly and quietly.

Everyone rushed out like a herd of mad animals, while the man who was following me from the beginning of the first phase and I recovered the ingredients very calmly and quietly

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While we were coming back to our stations, I saw Killua talking cheerfully with Gon and I smiled.
"Why are you smiling darling〜" he said to me.
"It's none of your business" I answered. "Ough so rude〜"

"Anyway as you seem to have no intention to leave me, can you at least tell me your name?" I asked.
"If is that what you ask for, my name is Hisoka Morow and... may I ask yours?〜" he said.
"My name is Y/N Zoldyck" I answered, his eyes wide opened and he said "Zoldyck?!?" "Yeah, why you're so surprised?"

As I said that, he scrolled his head and said "Nothing important darling...anyway is our turn to serve the dishes to the examiners. Ladies first〜" he said smiling.
As I placed my plates in front of Menchi and Buhara, Buhara eat with satisfaction my grilled pork while Menchi threw my plate away. Hisoka was two or three people behind me and as he saw the reaction of Menchi he walked away and get out of the room.


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