Greed Island

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Killua's POV:

It was a bit difficult but we finally get to enter in the game "Killua! Killua! Where are you?" Gon yelled as he looked around searching for me "I'm here! Baka!" I waved as he run towards me "I'm not stupid" he said slightly pouty and  laughed really hard

"Where are we going now?" I asked "Let's go towards the nearest city and let's look up for someone who could help us" I nodded and we walked for about 2 or 3 hours until we finally reached what seemed to be a very big city "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" we heard someone screaming and we found a dead body in the middle of a street "Killua, what's happening here?"

"I don't know but from now on we must be very careful" I said seriously as Gon nodded worriedly "Don't worry, I'm here" I placed a hand on his shoulder as he raised his head smiling "Thank you, Killua" he said 'I'm the one who should thank you for being my friend'

Y/N's POV:

"Hisoka what are you doing? Hurry up!" I said while I shook him "Just one more minute my baby〜" he said while taking my wrist and dragging me on the bed "Baby let me go, we have to search for some magic cards" he held me onto his chest tighter than he could "You don't go anywhere〜" he said while slightly opening one eye

"Babe you promised me, please" he fully opened his eyes and looked at me "If I come with you, I expect a prize〜" I laughed and said provocatively "What prize?" he got on top of me and blocked my arms over my head "You know what I want〜" I smirked

"Fine, but remember that it will take a while before we finish all the commissions" I said while smiling "I can be more patient than you think〜" I laughed and kissed him on the cheek "Go change" I got up of the bed and went in the bathroom "I'm ready, let's go my baby〜"

Two days after

It took us two days to collect almost all the cards "I think these are the most important ones inside this game" I said while looking at the cards in our books "Are you done?〜" Hisoka said while hugging me from behind and kissing my neck "I'm almost done, can you wait just one more minute my love?" he nodded "Close your eyes, I have a surprise"

He covered his eyes with his hands "It's getting exciting now〜" I grabbed him by the waist and guided him to the place I choose for us "Now you can open them" he lowered his hands and looked around "Baby it's so beautiful〜" he kissed me passionately "And it isn't over yet"

I started taking off my clothes and I slowly entered the water "Now your turn" I said while he started taking off his clothes and joined me "I'm coming baby〜" he said while grabbing me by the waist and pulling me against him "Can I fully take my prize now?〜" he looked deeply at me

"Of course you can" I said and he started to kiss my neck while I wrapped my legs around his waist "Let's not make too much noise" he looked at me and started playing with my hairs "Why?〜 There's no one here〜" I blushed really hard"We are at the foot of a fountain, anyone could see or hear us" he caressed my cheek and kissed me passionately "I promise I won't go hard then〜"

He was about to kiss me again but he stopped as we heard some steps "Did you hear that?" I whispered to him while I got off of his waist "HISOKA?!?!" 'That's Killua's voice!' I recognized the shadows of Gon and Killua but I also noticed that they came with a girl and a man I didn't know

"Hi my unriped fruits〜" he said as he covered my naked body with his "Onesan?!?!" I smiled to Killua as he turned completely red "Who is this pervert?" the man next to them said "Hi Killua, did you miss your favorite sister?" he looked away in embarrassment "Hi beauty we're searching for strong people to form a squad with" the girl said while looking at Hisoka with heart eyes

I immediately placed myself in front of Hisoka to cover his body "Eyes off from my man!" Killua instantly covered Gon's eyes and also his "And this beauty where it comes from?" the man said as Hisoka took me bridal style "Okay now let us dress first〜" we went to where out clothes were

"Okay now, what were you saying about this team?〜" Hisoka asked to Gon and Killua "We need some strong people to fight a man called Razor and his squad" I nodded and looked angrily at the girl who kept checking Hisoka "Hey Killua, are you happy to...

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"Okay now, what were you saying about this team?〜" Hisoka asked to Gon and Killua "We need some strong people to fight a man called Razor and his squad" I nodded and looked angrily at the girl who kept checking Hisoka "Hey Killua, are you happy to see me?" Killua run to hug me "Of course, I am...just one thing, what's on your neck?" I blushed  as Hisoka laughed

"It's just a mark to make everyone know that your sister is mine〜" Hisoka said while jealously looking at the man near Gon who kept checking me "Hm hm...should we go now?" Gon said to break the tension "Of course we can, Gon lead us please" I said while smiling at him

Time skip

We fought with Razor and his teaming we won "Well done Gon, now you have more informations about your dad" Killua said while giving an high five to Gon "My baby, I didn't get my full prize yet〜"

Hisoka said while hugging me from behind "Hey Y/N-san what is that prize?" Gon asked me a bit curious and confused "Ahaha nothing Gon, it's like a gift" he smiled asking to explain what this gift was

"Maybe about giving him a baby" Killua said almost whispering "KILLUA!" I slapped him in embarrassment "Onesan! Why you did it?" I apologise and explained my reaction

"Hi everyone I'm Y/N, sorry if this chapter ended a bit abrupt but in the creates suspense"
"Yes Gon it's Halloween, why are you so excited?"
G:"Because we can go around the city, see how people are dressed up as scary characters and also WE CAN DO TRICK OR TREAT!!"
"Killua don't say that to your friend!"
H:"Why are you all having fun without me?〜"
Kurapika:"Leorio don't shout that you're giving me a headache"
"Hi Kurapika, hi Leorio how are you guys"
H:"They're fine! Why are you ignoring me, baby?〜"
"I'm sorry babe, I wasn't ignoring you. You're always with me so I preferred to greet them first"
L:"I'm honoured you put me first instead of that psycho"
H:"Hey you four eyes, hands off from my girl〜"
"Anyway thank you so much for giving us 1.4K views. All of us are so glad to see that you like our adventures❤️❤️"
H:"Y/N, my love, it's time to go now. See you in the next chapter. HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO EVERYONE🎃☠️〜"

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