A perfect reunion

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Killua's POV:

Gon and I are peacefully eating in a beautiful park while Leorio is calling Kurapika 'cause we have to meet him here "Hey Leorio, did Kurapika answered to you" Gon asked and Leorio nodded "Hey guys, I'm here!"

We all turned over to see Kurapika waving and smiling to us "KURAPIKA!" Gon yelled and threw himself on him "Are you all fine?" he asked

"Of course we are, how about you?" I asked him because he seemed to hide something "I'm fine, don't worry about me" he said while smiling "Hey Killua if you want more meat you should hurry up before Gon and Leorio finish everything"

Kurapika said while pointing at them "HEY YOU TWO, THAT STEAK IS MINE!" I yelled at them "Not anymore slug!" Leorio said between a bite and another "SHUT UP FAKE TEENAGER...Baka"

"WHAAAAAT?!?!?!DID YOU JUST SAID I LOOK OLDER?" Leorio said almost spitting everything in his mouth "Calm down guys, please" Kurapika said "Hey Kurapika, who was the person you had to meet yesterday?" Gon asked all of a sudden "It was Hisoka" I opened my eyes wide in shock "What he's doing that crazy here?" Leorio asked

"He gave me some details about the members of the Phantom Troupe" I immediately thought at Y/N "He also told me that their plan will take place tomorrow" as Kurapika said this he turned immediately serious and stopped smiling

Kurapika's POV:

I know Killua is worried about Y/N health but I can't tell him that she's the real one who keeps informing me anytime the Spider makes a move "Well guys now I have to go and reach my boss, see you at the auction"

They waved back and I returned to the hotel and I heard my phone ringing "Hey Kurapika they want to kill every single people in the room" it was a text message from Y/N 'Their cruelty really has no limits' I started preparing a plan to stop them

Time skip

I follow the cars where Y/N, the head of the Spider and other members were in until they reached a canyon where they found the rest of the troupe "One of them is fighting all alone with three of the Ten Shadows" Melody said calmly at me

"Now I understand why people are so scared of them" she finished and looked at me 'cause she worry that I might to something stupid

The battle ended quite quickly 'Now or never' I thought and looked over to Melody "I know I can't change you mind" she said quite sadly and I softly smiled to make her understand I had the complete control of the situation "You're mine" I said and captured the one who had just killed three of the Ten Shadows

"You think that this pathetic chains can stop me?" he said with a lot of arrogance in his voice, I said nothing and tightened the grip even more "Drive to the farthest clearing" I said to Squala "What are your intensions?" I positioned some chains around his mouth to cover it "You talk too much. We already arrived"

I know that the other members were following us
I made him got out of the car chained from head to toe "If you want I'll give you Uvogin back but you have to give me the red eyes of clan Kuruta" I said by using a voice modifier "Don't be that fast little boy, I want a true fight with you! Boss do you agree?" the head of the Spider, whose name was Chrollo, gave him the permission to fight me

"You guys can leave, it won't take me long to kill him. See you at the lair" Before they all leave I saw Y/N looking at me as if she wanted to tell me "Be careful" I nodded and they all disappear with their cars "Do you remember all the people you kill?" I asked him "Aah I understand now, is a revenge that you want" I took off my colored lenses

"Oh that eyes! Now I remember...Their terrified expressions were so pleasant to see" I started to release a huge amount of aura mixed with bloodlust "I think it'll be fun to play with you" he smirk

Time skip

"You weren't as strong as I thought" I said while finishing to cover the corpse "I'll never understand what's funny about killing someone, what I'm feeling right now is just repulsion" I finished to cover it and while I was returning to the hotel I got a message from Y/N "Hey Kurapika are you okay?" I answered with a simple "I'm fine"

Gon's POV:

Two weeks after

Killua and I are preparing for going to the auction where I hope I'll be able to able a copy of the game Greed Island "Gon hurry up!" Killua yelled to me "I'm coming!" we entered the room and we saw Phinks and Feitan "Gon,RUN!" Killua said and we immediately rushed out of the room

Killua and I are preparing for going to the auction where I hope I'll be able to able a copy of the game Greed Island "Gon hurry up!" Killua yelled to me "I'm coming!" we entered the room and we saw Phinks and Feitan "Gon,RUN!" Killua said and we ...

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"Where are you trying to escape you two?" Feitan said to us " We just want to participate to the auction" I said angrily to them and Phinks started to laugh "We don't want to fight, we are peacefully participating to the auction" he said and they returned inside the room

"Have you heard that every copy of the game Greed Island has been taken by an ultra-billionaire" I gasped and walked over to Killua "Did you heard what the persone over there just said?"

"Yes and we should hurry and go ask him what he knows" I nodded and we approached that man "Excuse me sir, is it true what you were saying about Greed Island?" he looked a bit surprised at us "Yes it's true, but why two kids are so interested in it?"

"We aren't kids, we're professional hunters!" Killua  said quite angrily to him "He-he I-I was joking...If you want that man is doing a cast to decide who will be the Hunters that would play the game"

"Killua let's go!" I yelled in happiness and Killua nodded while smiling at me "THANK YOU SIR"
He forced a smile and we run over the room of that ultra-billionaire

"The next please!" I immediately thought that we were on front of the right door "It's us!" I said while dragging Killua inside the room

Hi everyone👋
I must say that in this period it is you who continue to amaze me 'cause every time I open my app I see more notifications and views: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REACHING 1.2K VIEWS
I didn't expect my story to be viewed by so many people❤️❤️❤️❤️
Enjoy this new chapter and see you in the next🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️

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