"It's a surprise, my sunshine〜"

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Author's note:
Hi guys! In this chapter I'm going to put the link of a song 'cause I think it's perfect. I'll let you know when it comes the right moment to play it.
I personally love to read while listening to music so I hope you'll enjoy it too. This is the song:

Hisoka's POV:

We finally exit from Greed Island and in these past two months I've never seen Y/N 'cause she had several unfinished business with his family to attend to that's why I thought to organize a little holiday just for us 'I hope she will love it'

I booked a hotel near the World Tree, the highest in the world and if you reach the top you can enjoy a wonderful view 'A perfect and romantic sunshine'

As I finished packing my suitcase, I jumped in my car and called her "Hi Baby! How are you? It's been a while since I last saw you" she answered happily "Hi my love, I miss you so much〜" she replied that she missed me too and asked me the reason of the phone call

"I'm coming to pick you up" she gasped in excitement "Really? When?" I laughed "I'm already driving to your house so, just prepare your suitcase. I'll be there in a couple of days〜"

"Where are you taking me, my baby? I'm curious" I laughed again "It's a surprise, my sunshine〜" she was a bit annoyed "All right, see you. Bye bye baby"

Two days after

I just arrived in front of Y/N's house and saw Illumi walk out the front door "Oh! What are you doing here?" he asked as he saw me "I'm waiting for your sister to come out" he looked confused "Where are you two going?"

"I organised a very relaxing vacation for her because you made her work too hard for the last two months" he was a bit angry "It's all your fault! You always take her away from the family's works"

"HISOKAAAAAA!!!!" she run over to me and hugged me "Hi baby, did you miss me?〜" she pouted "Of course I did, and you cannot even imagine how much I missed you" I kissed her "Hey you two! Out of my sight" we both laughed at him

"All right Illu, we're going away. Baby...Let's go!" she jumped in the car and I followed her "Bye bye Illumi〜" we waved to him and left Y/N's house

"So are you going to tell where are we going?" I made a no with my finger "You're going to discover it in about three days〜" she gasped "WHAT? I cannot resist that much, I'm gonna die of curiosity"

"Then I'll distract you from thinking about it〜" I said while seductively looking at her "Don't look at me like that!" I smirked as I turned to look at the road "Why? Did I make you blush?〜" I saw her blushing rally hard 'She's so cute while blush...

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"Then I'll distract you from thinking about it〜" I said while seductively looking at her "Don't look at me like that!" I smirked as I turned to look at the road "Why? Did I make you blush?〜" I saw her blushing rally hard 'She's so cute while blushing'

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