From catching eggs to Trick Tower

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Y/N's POV:

We reached the second place of the second phase and Menchi threw herself into a endless ravine where there was a huge web with lots of eggs attached under it, she catched one of them and she came up to where we were thanks to a breeze coming from the bottom of the ravine that was emitted at regular intervals.

A lot of people give up without even trying while Killua, Gon, Kurapika and Leorio jumped togheter with a huge group of people. I saw that Hisoka had no intention to jump so I took his hand and jumped with him. We catched the eggs thanks to the signal Gon gave to all of us when he smelled that the breeze was coming.

We eat the eggs and we board on the airship again to reach the place of the third phase and when we were on board Hisoka looked at me and said " Why you made me jump with you to catch the egg darling?〜" I looked away trying to ignore his question but he lifted my chin forcing me to look straight into his honey-yellow eyes "You were worried that I couldn't pass the phase, weren't you princess?〜"

Hisoka's POV:

"Why you made me jump with you to catch the egg darling?〜" I aked her and she looked away as she wanted to ignore my question but I lifted her chin to make her look into my eyes 'I'd get lost forever in her black eyes, she's so beautiful' I thought and said to her "You were worried that I couldn't pass the phase, weren't you princess?〜" she blushed really hard.

"Don't act like that you make me crazy Y/N" I accidentally moaned in front of her "HISOKA YOU PERVERT WHAT YOU WERE THINKING ABOUT!!" she yelled after slapping me in the face and she entered a room maybe because she wanted to rest before reaching the place of the third phase.

I sat near the door to control anyone who came and I close my eyes to get some rest. While I was sleeping I could hear her singing under the shower and I smiled.

Killua's POV:

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Killua's POV:

"I'll give it up, if you want go ahead Gon. I got tired of trying to get the ball from this Jisan" I said as I left the room. I decide to search for Y/N and I hope she had a room where I could rest for a while.
While I was walking I saw Hisoka sat near a door so I immediately thought that that was her room.

His eyes were closed 'Maybe he's sleeping so I can enter the room without making noise' so I quietly entered the room and said "Onesan are you here?" She came out of the bathroom with a towel on and looked at me in surprise "Weren't you with Gon?" she asked and I looked away.

"Yes, but i got tired trying to catch the ball from that Jisan" She laughed and looked at me gently "Come get yourself a shower and then we go to sleep" I nodded and went straight to wash.


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