A secret phase

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Killua's POV:

After 71 hours and 50 minutes, Gon, Kurapika, Leorio and I finally reached the exit of the tower. I immediately searched for Y/N, I found her near number 301 whose name was Gittarackur but she seems a bit sad and I decide to approach and comfort her.

"Onesan are you okay? Did that psycho do something bad to you?" she looked at me and forced a smile "I'm okay Killua, don't worry" but I don't believe her. I looked at Gittarackur "You seem to be a friend of her...don't you dare to hurt her or I'll kill you"

"Killua go back to Gon, I know how to take care of myself" she softly smiled and I walked back over Gon but I wasn't really sure that she's fine.

Hisoka's POV:

'I don't want to push her away, it's the only way to understand how she feels about me. I know it's not the best way but I can't think of anything else' I thought as I was looking at her being comforted by Illumi. 'I wish I was in his place' I sighed.

"Congratulations to all the 26 participants who passed this phase. Now you have to board on this airship that will take you to an island with a hotel where you can rest for three days before reaching the place of the fourth phase" a girl said to all of us.

We arrived on this island and we were welcomed by two senior "In order to review a room you'll have to retrieve a treasure from one of these wrecks around you and you'll get the room based on the value of the recovered item. Good luck!" all of us started to jump into the sea to catch a treasure.

I got a big room with two beds and suddenly I saw Y/N enter the room 'Please don't change your room' I thought as she looked at me in an inexpressive and cold way "Don't worry I'll change my room" she told me while coming out of the room.

Y/N's POV:

"Don't worry I'll change my room" I said to Hisoka while coming out of the room. I asked the woman who welcomed us if I could share the room with number 301 "Since he doesn't have a roommate yet, of course you can" she smiled and I smiled back.

I entered the room "Gittarackur are you here?" he came out of the bathroom with a towel on "Oh Y/N it's you. Why are you here?"

I looked at him a bit embarassed "Ehm Illu

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I looked at him a bit embarassed "Ehm Illu...c-can you please change?" He looked down and said "Give me a second" and he walked back into the bathroom.
"So why are you here?" I looked away "I entered a room and I saw Hisoka, so I walked out and asked to share the room with you"

He looked at me a bit surprised "Don't expect me to comfort you all the time, before it was an exception" I rolled my eyes and sighed "I know you are not that kind of brother, that's why I prefer Killua but I want to leave him alone with Gon"

"Are you sure you want to stay here with me instead of getting a room for yourself?" I nodded and sat on the ves next to Illumi. We stay silent for some minutes and then Illumi said "There's only one bed, are you okay with that" I looked at him in surprise and said "Yeah but why do you ask?" he scrolled his head and said "Nothing, anyway let's go to sleep"

During the night

"Illu, Illu wake up an airship is leaving" he yawned, we left the room with the rest of the participants and we saw the two senior who welcomed us leave us on the island.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder "Hi beauty, my name is Leorio and yours?" I turned over to him, moved his hand from my shoulder and while I was trying to answer Illumi(for Leorio he is Gittarackur) said "Stay away from her, she's not for you" Leorio seemed a bit annoyed "Are you her boyfriend?"

I looked over to Hisoka to see his reaction but he looked away "Yes, he is. Sorry but as you see I'm already taken" as I said this Killua came over to me and looked really shocked "Onesan he's really your boyfriend?!?" I whispered everything in his ear then I nodded to make Leorio notice that I don't want his attention.

'If I don't want his attention maybe I want...Hisoka's?' I thought and blushed. We walked back to our rooms and Illumi immediately dragged me into our room and attached me to the wall "Why you said that I'm your boyfriend, do you want us to act like a couple while I'm looking so ugly in front of everyone?" I laughed and I disheveled his hair.

"Don't worry about that, nobody cares that we are a 'couple'. Let's go back to sleep, I'm tired" I yawned as Illumi lay next to me. "Good night Illumi" I said but he was already sleeping 'So cute' I thought and closed my eyes to sleep.

The next morning

Illumi wake me up and we go over the lobby to decide with the rest of the group what to do. We search for some clues and we found a map that indicated the trajectory to follow to reach Zebril Island, the location of the fourth phase.


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