A secret phase pt.2

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Illumi's POV:

"Y/N wake up, we have to join the others in the lobby" I whispered gently in her ear and kissed her cheek like I did when we were kids. She yawned and looked at me still sleepy "Good morning Illu, did you slept well?" I nodded and she went into the bathroom to change.

In the lobby with the others

"Now what we are supposed to do? We have only the map we found yesterday" said a man with number 294 "Found a boat that can take us to the island" another person said "HEY GUYS! KILLUA AND I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE HOTEL WE ARE IN IS A BOAT AND ALSO STILL WORKS!" that kid called Gon yelled from a sort of balcony.

"Illumi tell me you're going to help us restart the ship, right?" whispered Y/N while looking at me a bit angry , but I scrolled my head and walked towards Hisoka. As I expect she didn't try to stop me, simply because she didn't want to approach Hisoka.

Hisoka's POV:

I saw Illumi walking towards me and I looked at Y/N who was trying to dodge my eyes 'She looked so sad, maybe that's a proof that she likes me" I thought
and then I saw everyone, even Y/N, run to one side and to the other of the ship to look for everything they needed.

"You love her, right?" Illumi asked as soon as he approached me "Why you ask?〜" I said trying to avoid his question "She's my sister and I know her really well so I'm here to tell you: state your feelings you dumbass!"

I looked at Illumi a bit shocked and he looked at me in disappointment "THE BOAT IS MOVING!" someone yelled but suddenly the sea began to become increasengly agitated, the water level began to rise until it reach the deck of the ship and 6 of us ended up to the sea because of the strong waves.

"Everyone get under deck, it's dangerous to stay outside" Y/N said to all of us while she was helping the others to enter. Illumi and I walked in without a problem but as I had a strange feeling I decided to check how many people there were.

I noticed that three people were missing 'Please let Y/N not be among them' as I thought this I heard someone screming "LEORIO HOLD ON, I'M COMING!" 'It's Gon' I thought as I tried to rush onto the deck hoping that Y/N was safe.

While I was running towards the deck Gon and Leorio passed by me and Gon grabbed my arm while looking at me with tears in his eyes "Please save her"
he left my arm and without thinking twice I ran in the deck of the ship.

I saw her almost unconscious, she was holding on with all her might to the railing not to be dragged by the waves but she suddenly let go, I rushed and grabbed her arm as I dragged her across the deck.
"Don't do it again, I almost had a heart attack" I said as I took her bridal style and took her to her room.

"What happened to her?" Illumi said in shock as he saw her unconscious between my arms "She saved Gon who was helping Leorio, but she almost died"
Illumi scrolled his head "She has always been thoughtless since childhood" he said as I placed her on the bed.

"Illumi take care of her until she wakes up" he nodded and I exit the room because I know that I'm not the person who would rather be next to her right now.

Killua's POV:

I saw Hisoka enter a room with Y/N in his arms and after some minutes he got out of the room a bit sad.
I silently entered the room and found Y/N sleeping in a bed, she was in her underwear and her hair was wet 'What happened to her?'

I hear a noise coming from the bathroom and then someone with very long black hair came out "ILLUMI?!?" I said completely shocked and he looked over to me "Oh, Hi Kil" I still shocked for a bit and then I asked "Is Onesan okay? What happened to her?" Illumi explained me everything, also what happened between Onesan and Hisoka.
a photo that explains Killua's reaction

I was really shocked to hear that Hisoka had saved her 'So that's why he was so sad when he left the room' I thought after hearing Illumi's explanation

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I was really shocked to hear that Hisoka had saved her 'So that's why he was so sad when he left the room' I thought after hearing Illumi's explanation.
"But the real question is: why are you here?" he sat next to Y/N and then looked at me "Because mom was worried about you two and sent me to kept an eye on you"

I puffed "I'm not going to leave her alone with you!" then we turned over the door because we heard someone knocking on it "Y/N are you here? Can I enter?" 'It's Gon' I thought and opened the door to him while Illumi go into the bathroom to change himself in Gittarackur.

"Is she okay?" Gon said to me and I nodded "Don't worry, she's just sleeping" then Gittarackur came out of the bathroom and God looked at me "Killua, what he's doing here?" As I didn't know what to say he answered to Gon and said "Because I'm her boyfriend"


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