Jealousy or overprotection?!?!

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Chrollo's POV:

I don't understand why Y/N loves Hisoka that much, he's just a clown who is using her to have some fun and I'm sure as soon as he gets tired of Y/N he will let her suffer. If she chooses me instead, I will treat her like the queen of this world and for me there will be no other women just and only HER. As soon as the auction is over, I'll try to make her fall in love with me. "Tomorrow five of us will take part at the rod while the remaining will be in charge of emptying the vault and make sure not to leave traces" I sad calmly and firmly.

"Okay boss but who are the five and who are the six?" Uvogin asked me "I prefer taking part to the rod 'cause I think it'll be more fun〜" Hisoka said while smiling at Y/N as he were seeking approval from her "All right then: Y/N, Feitan, Phinks, Franklin and I will take part at the rod and Machi, Uvogin, Hisoka, Kalluto, Shalnark and Pakunoda will empty the vault" I said and noticed immediately how Hisoka was disappointed that he couldn't stay with Y/N.

'I really enjoy seeing him so jealous' I thought while smiling a bit "Y/N, come here! I need to talk to you about our teamwork works" she nodded and sat near me while looking at me a bit confused "Sooo, what exactly I have to know about your teamwork?" she said and I smiled "Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you without having that freak always around" she was even more confused now "Tell me more about you, I'm curious" she just told me that she's born in the Zoldyck family, Illumi is her overprotective older brother and also that Killua is her favorite brother but it seemed like she didn't want to add anything else, like she wanted to hide something

"If you don't want to add anything else it's okay, go get some rest and get ready for tomorrow" she nodded "Goodnight Chrollo" she said while going towards Hisoka "Ah ehm I hope you have a dress for the occasion" she smiled and nodded "Come over here my baby〜" said Hisoka while looking angrily at me

Time skip

It's time to go and I can't wait to see Y/N's dress "Phinks how long it takes you to dress? You're so slow" Feitan told him with an annoyed expression "I'm done, I'm done don't worry Mr.Coldness we can go now "All right Feitan, Franklin, Phinks and Y/N get in the car with me and the rest will reach the place in a hot air balloon" everybody nodded and we moved over the rod's place.

As we arrived I immediately noticed Y/N's dress and she looked so beautiful in it, it perfectly emphasized her magnificent forms and I honestly admit that it was very hard for me to take my eyes off of her "Boss how do we settle now?" Franklin asked me "You, Phinks and Feitan find a seat in the right row while Y/N and I sit in the left one 'Everything is going as planned'

Y/N and Chrollo were dressed up like this

Y/N and Chrollo were dressed up like this

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Hisoka's POV:

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Hisoka's POV:

From the moment Chrollo laid his eyes on her I wanted to kill him even more, she's mine and I told him but apparently he loves to challenge and provoke me 'If it's war what you want then it'll be what you get' "Hey my love, I found a nice place nearby where we can be a little alone〜" I whispered in her ears and she immediately smiled and kissed me "All right, we can have some time alone there then" she said

When Chrollo explained that we would be divided in two groups I knew that he was thinking of something else 'I'm sure that he wants to stay alone with Y/N and I don't like that'. As I suspected Y/N and I are in two different team "I'm gonna miss you so much tomorrow, you know my baby?〜" she smiled "Don't worry, I'll be back soon okay?" she kissed me on the cheek "Y/N come here! I need to talk to you about our teamwork works" Chrollo said out loud but I  grabbed her by the wrist trying to restrain her but she looked at me gently while telling me to be quiet

As I saw that she coming towards me I said "Come over here my baby〜" while looking angrily at Chrollo "I'm so tired.Let's go to bed my freak" I smiled and took her bridal style while walking towards the place I found. She fell asleep in my arms 'How can she be so beautiful even when she's sleeping' I thought as I placed her on the bed "Goodnight my love〜" I whispered while kissing her forehead and falling asleep near her.

Time skip

Before reaching the others I saw her taking her dress out of her backpack "Where did you get that?〜" I asked a bit confused "I bought it after one of the battles in the Heaven's Arena" she said as she started putting it on "I can't let you go like this〜" I said after seeing her dress "Why? You're jealous?" she laughed and I pulled her against the wall "No, you're mine〜" and I began to kiss her so passionately while with my hand I caressed her thigh moving the dress "Hisoka, please not now...we have to go" she said while moaning softly "Everyone has to known that you're my girlfriend〜" she smiled and kissed me again

Illumi's POV:

I didn't expect any of them to notice my presence and also I didn't expect that Chrollo was in love with Y/N. I still have to accept Hisoka as her boyfriend and now Chrollo 'Following her was the right choice' I thought as I heard my phone ringing. I just got a text message from Y/N saying: How long are you going to follow us?

I was a bit surprised but then I remembered that after all she's a Zoldyck, I called her and after a few rings she answered: "Hi Illu"
"Hi Y/N, how long have you known?"
"Maybe just before Chrollo found us kissing"
"Did you tell Hisoka about me?"
"No, but I think he's already noticed it. You were there when that thing happened, you know, with Chrollo and Machi"
"Of course I was, but I couldn't do anything 'cause I could have killed him instantly and I wanted to avoid creating problems for the Spider"
"If it hadn't been for her almost boundless strength I would have been fine on my own"
"Hm hm I know you could. Anyway I don't like seeing that so many people fall in love with you. It's your fault!"
"I mean...You're too beautiful and so damn attractive"
"AHAHAHAHAHHA OMG Illu, I think that you're really really jealous of your sister"
"No, I'm just protective"
"You mean over-protective. 〜Hey baby we gonna go join the others〜 Oh yes, I'm coming"
"It was Hisoka right?"
"Yes, I have to go. Bye bye Illu"
"Bye sister"
As she hang up I decided that it was time to stop following her 'cause she's strong enough to take care of herself.

Author's note
Hi, it's the author, sorry if I didn't write for so long but I promise you guys that, even with the school, I'll be more active.
Enjoy this chapter and
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