Phamtom Troupe

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Hisoka's POV:

"Illumi is a real nuisance〜" after saying it I realized I said it out loud 'cause she started laughing like a maniac then she turned and looked at me "Yeah, of course he is". I instantly grabbed her by the waist and I kissed her very passionately "He interrupted us, so...let me continue〜", I grabbed her legs and put them around my waist while kissing and biting her neck "Hi-Hisoka! What are you doing?" I looked at her and smiled "I finish what I started, darling〜" she blushed and looked down "Everyone must know that YOU ARE MINE〜"

I began kissing her so hard that I could feel our tongues tangling and our willows mingling with each other until we heard a clapping of hands "Great show, so exciting" after hearing that voice Y/N immediately detached from me and looked straight and cold at the figure in front of us "Who are you? Are you stalking us?" he began to laugh then he answered "I'm Chrollo Lulcifer, the head of the Spider. And you must be Y/N Zoldyck right?" she was a bit confused "What do you want from me?" he come really near to her lips

"I want you to join the Phantom Troupe" then he made us follow him to the lair where the other members were also" "HISOKA BASTARD, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I immediately recognized the voice of Uvogin "Who is she?" Feitan said while looking at Y/N a bit disgusted "She's a new member of our family" Chrollo said while wrapping her shoulders with his arm "GET YOU HANDS OFF!" she yelled and slapped him, I made an happy smirk

"What are you laughing at?" Machi said while looking at me in disappointment "She's my girlfriend〜" I said happily "You're really brave and I love it" Chrollo said to her while looking at me to see my reaction 'If he comes near her again, I'll kill him' "Now that we're all here, it's time to show you the plan"

The plan of the Spider is to steal all the items from the York Shin City auction, which would take place at the end of this month...well...Y/N and I were not part of the group that would go to the vault  in person so we only contributed to the organization

So while the others put in place the plan Chrollo, Machi, Y/N and I remained in the lair to wait for news from others "How would you rather spend time my baby?〜" I asked her and she laid on me without saying anything "I guess we'll just go for a little cuddle〜" she took my chin and made me kiss her

I could feel Chrollo watching us with jealousy and I made her turn over to me so I could kiss her more passionately and make Chrollo feel more jealous "So disgusting and too cringe" Machi said while looking away from us "Get a room please" she continued

"Hisoka  stop kissing Y/N you're not alone" Chrollo said "Why?〜 Are you jealous, aren't you?〜" he then teleported her to him and grabbed her by the waist "Now you can't kiss her anymore" the two of them teleported away of the lair leaving me and Machi alone "I'll guess someone wants to die tonight〜"

Y/N's POV:

After teleporting me near him, Chrollo grabbed me by the waist and right after we teleported in front of the abandoned amusement park where I had to meet Kurapika next week "What do you want from me?" he looked intensively in my eyes and forced me to kiss him, I did everything to try to get away from Chrollo but his grip was so strong that I felt suffocated and deprived of strength "Y/N WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ? You think that seducing our head is gonna help you get into the Spider?" after hearing what Machi was yelling at me I found the strength necessary to punch Chrollo and made him leave his grip "Y/N are you okay? Did he hurt you baby?〜" Hisoka immediately said after reaching me "Don't worry, I'm okay"I said smiling to him

"I don't care what you are for the Spider, TOUCH HER AGAIN AND I'LL KILL YOU!" Hisoka yelled to Chrollo "Hisoka, you idiot! Don't you see she's seducing him?!?" Machi said while looking at him angrily, then Chrollo stopped Machi and said "It's my fault, I tried to seduce the wrong girl" Machi was shocked and scrolled her head because she didn't believe it "You're lying!" Chrollo smiled at her "I'm not, I really tried to seduce her 'cause she's so sexy and I like her" Machi was even more angry than before, she approached me and slapped me

Hisoka looked angrily at her but I stopped him from doing anything, I took Machi by her neck and whispered in her hear "You're into Chrollo, aren't you?" she blushed and turned away without saying a word "What did you tell her?〜" Hisoka asked me a bit shocked "I asked if she loves Chrollo and she said yes" Hisoka was even more confused "How did you notice it?"

Hisoka looked angrily at her but I stopped him from doing anything, I took Machi by her neck and whispered in her hear "You're into Chrollo, aren't you?" she blushed and turned away without saying a word "What did you tell her?〜" Hisoka asked me a...

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I laughed really hard because of his reaction "Because she blushed and went away without saying anything" we stayed in silence for a moment "I'm sure she loves him because she were sooo jealous to see Chrollo kissing me" Hisoka made an angry-cute face and said "I was jealous, too. You're my girlfriend" I smiled and kissed him "I know but she had the expression of who wanted to be in my place" Hisoka finally understood my words and then he looked around "This is where we'll meet Kurapika, right?" I nodded and we returned to the lair of the troupe

A week later

"Hey Y/N, I'm here!" I waved to Kurapika and as soon as I reached him, I hugged him "Hey Kurapika, are you fine?" he smiled and nodded "Wait...Where's Hisoka?" he asked "I'm here, don't worry my fruit" Kurapika rolled his eyes and he immediately started to question Hisoka about everything he knew about the Phantom Troupe "You know I'm a member just because I want to fight Chrollo, don't you?" Hisoka said while moaning a bit and Kurapika looked at me a bit shocked "Can I ask you what you exactly like about him?" I laughed and I shrugged "I don't know, he's just Hisoka and I love his everything"

Kurapika sighed in sign of resignation "Well, thank you for all the informations Hisoka. Y/N see you saturday with the others" he smiled and went away "Hisoka can you please avoid moaning in front of my friends?" He laughed "Why? I turn you on, baby?〜" I blushed "OMG, not that, we keep these things to ourselves, okay?" He looked a bit sad "So you're saying I'm not attractive and I don't turn you on? It's so offensive of you my princess〜"

'How can I show him that he's my entire life, without him I can't live and also that for me he's so damn sexy that I can't think of someone else and I don't want to think of someone else' I kissed him and said "I don't want anyone else, I want you, just you, YOU ARE MINE AND I'M YOURS!" I said resolutely and I saw him blushing really hard "Let's return to the lair or the others will get suspicious"

Author's note
Hi, it's the author, how are you guys? It's been a month since I posted the last chapter and I'm so sorry but the school and other things took my time, also I thought so hard about how to continue the story so I hope you'll like this chapter.
I'm thinking about starting a new story so: Would you like to you suggest some characters you'd like me to write a story with?
Anyway enjoy this new chapter and thank you so much for reaching 409 views

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