Phase two pt.2

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Killua's POV:

When the second phase started I saw Onesan with the clown-looking man called Hisoka who was following and looking at her like a psychopath. I DON'T like him but I also knew that she is stronger and she could defend herself very easily. Anyway I'm still jealous because she is my favorite sister.
an example of jealous and angry Killua

The second phase was about making sushi for Menchi and grilled pork for Buhara, so Leorio, Kurapika, Gon and I run out of the room with the rest of the participants to catch a fish and  a pig

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The second phase was about making sushi for Menchi and grilled pork for Buhara, so Leorio, Kurapika, Gon and I run out of the room with the rest of the participants to catch a fish and a pig. While we were coming back for cooking, I saw Onesan talking with that psycho "I really wanna take away from my sister" I thought.

Y/N's POV:

I saw Hisoka walking out of the room, I reached him and say "Everyone had been disqualified" He looked at me with confusion because he don't understand why I said this. We remain in silence for some minutes until we heard a deafening noise coming from the room where we had supported the test.

That noise was caused by the arrival of an old man who said " My name is Netero and I'm the chairman of the Hunter Association. I came here with my airship to take all of you to the place you'll have a second chance to pass this phase. If you don't want to, your free to leave"

As he said so Hisoka immediately grabbed me like a potato sack and we got on the airship.

We were finally on board but while I was trying to make Hisoka to put me down another person with pins all over his body said "Hisoka, let her down or I'll kill you" and I immediately recognized whose voice was "ILLUMI?!?" I said with surprise and quite confused.

"HISOKA PUT ME DOWN, I HAVE TO TALK TO HIM" I screamed and he put me down saying "As you wish princess〜" I rolled my eyes and turn towards Illumi watching him with an angry look "Why the hell are you here Illu?" and he said "Because mom told me to watch over you two. Anyway call me Gittarackur" now I felt even more angry than before "Well you can remind our mom that I'M 20 YEARS OLD AND I'M OLD ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF AND KILLUA!"

Illumi and I turn towards Hisoka with a confused expression as we hear him laughing like a maniac
"You're soooooo sexy when you get angry darling〜" he slightly moaned.

"Did-did he just moaned for you in front of me?" Illumi whispered in my ear and I blushed really hard. I got closer to Hisoka, slap him and whispered to him "Don't do this things in front of Illumi, he'll kill you" he smiled and slightly blushed.


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