The end

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It has been roughly a month since Y/N lost consciousness and still shows no signs of recovery

Killua's POV:

Onesan is still unconscious and I don't know when she will recover "Hisoka, in the last period did you happen to notice any physical changes in her?" He thought a bit and then answered "The only thing I've noticed was that she was a bit more pale than usual"

"Did you call a doctor?" I asked "Of course, he said that it was a consequence of the pregnancy and also that she needed to rest as much as possible while trying to remain as calm as possible" he said while caressing Y/N's hand "Hisoka, are you okay?"

I asked him a bit worried "I've changed my mind about you and as your brother-in-law I'm worried" he smiled "Yeah don't worry, your sister will be so proud of what you just said" soon after came Illumi

"Hey Hisoka, the doctor finally arrived" he entered the room with the doctor behind him "So, how long has she been in this state?" the doctor asked "She's been like this for about a month and a half" I said

"Hmm, by any chance, did you suffer a severe shock?" I nodded "She had a really hard argument with our older brother and after that she lost consciousness" I answered looking a bit angrily at Illumi as he looked away trying to ignore me "I guess that this serious argument caused a very big shock to her, that's why she's unconscious" I nodded "So what can we do for her?"

"I suggest you to attach her to an IV so that you can feed her and keep her values stable" I nodded and looked over to Hisoka "Ohi, Hisoka, are you okay?" he raised his head and looked straight into my eyes "Yeah don't wo..." he fell unconscious on the floor "HISOKA! HISOKA! WAKE UP!" Gon rushed into the room as he heard me screaming "DOCTOR, HURRY UP! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" he yelled to the doctor who was about to leave the house

"What happened?!?!" the doctor said as he entered the room again "I don't know, he just passed out while I was talking to him" he started to examine Hisoka's values "He's really pale...What were his conditions in the last period?" I explained everything to him "Mh I understand, he just some rest and of course he need to eat" I breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the doctor

A little less than a week passed, meanwhile Hisoka had fully recovered, apologizing for worrying us and asking if Oneasn was better

"In reality she has not yet given signs of recovery but from her appearance you understand that she's recovering" I told him while we were walking down the corridor leading to Onesan's room "ONESAN!! ONESAN!! I WAS REALLY WORRIED!!" we stopped turn over to Hisoka as we nodded to each other and immediately rushed to her room "Y/N!!ONESAN!!" Hisoka and I yelled togheter as we saw Onesan hugging Alluka "Cough-cough, don't worry Alluka I'm fine now"

Hisoka and I immediately rushed to the edges of the bed and while grabbing Onesan's hand at the same time "We were so worried for you, never do it again!" we said almost crying "Ahaahahahah, you two are so funny!" she started laughing as we looked each other before, started laughing togheter just a second later "Y/N! Oh God I'm so glad you're fine now"

Illumi said while entering the room "Illumi stay away from her!" Alluka said angrily to him "It's okay Alluka, don't worry" Onesan said caressing her cheek "Thank you Illu" she said smiling "Y/N-san!!!!!" Gon said while crying after he entered the room "Oh-hey Gon ahahah"

"Baby, how are you?" Hisoka asked her grabbing her face with both of his hands and kissing her "I'm fine now, don't worry" she smiled and kissed him again "How about our baby?" we all shrugged "We can call the doctor again and ask him if it's all okay" Illumi said "Y/N-san, I warned Leorio and Kurapika that you woke up and they'll be here soon" she smiled and thanked Gon

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