The chains-guy makes his appearance

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Y/N's POV:

Chrollo is someone who doesn't give up that easy! I had to find a way to make him realize Machi's feelings "You're so beautiful tonight, Y/N" said Chrollo while kissing the back of my hand "Thank you Chrollo" 'What can I say to change subject...'

"Ehi Chrollo what we have exactly to do here?" he looked at me a bit surprised by my question
"We wait for Franklin, Feitan and Phinks to come out from behind the scenes and when they are about to announce the first product we start the carnage"

I nodded and wrote a short message to Kurapika to warn him about Chrollo's plan "Hey baby, how are you?Do you miss me?〜♡" I immediately smiled after seeing Hisoka's text message

"Does the plan make you laugh?" Chrollo asked me confused "Of course no, I was smiling for a message I got by Hisoka" Chrollo seemed a bit disappointed by the explanation

"Anyway have you ever notice how powerful and beautiful Machi is?" I asked him "Of course she's powerful but why are you asking this?" I shrugged " I don't know, it was just for talking...Oh they're coming" I pointed over Franklin, Phinks and Feitan who were in front of the lectern

Time skip

We killed every single person in the room but when Chrollo and I were about to exit two people opened the door "OTOSAN!OJICHAN! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed in surprise as I see them "Work, my lovely daughter. Is Killua here with you?" I scrolled my head

"He's with his new friend Gon" after saying this Chrollo took me by the waist and pulled me against him "Now Mr. Zoldyck if you don't mind I'd like to take your daughter as a member of the Spider" after hearing that my dad started to release his aura full of bloodlust

"I take it as a no. Y/N get back, I don't want you to get hurt" I scrolled my head and rushed into my father's arms begging him not to kill Chrollo "Why, do you love him?" I looked down and thought about Machi's reaction if Chrollo died "No but it's someone important for my friend, that's why I want to protect him"

My dad nodded appeasing his wrath "You're safe for this time" he smiled at me and went out of the room with my grandpa and as I saw them leaving the room my legs gave out and I fell to the ground 'cause I'd never faced my dad so directly

"Y/N are you okay?" Chrollo asked me and before I could answer all of a sudden my phone started ringing, it was Hisoka "Hey Y/N warn Chrollo that someone emptied the vault before us〜" I barred my eyes from wonder "I'm here and I already heard everything. Do you who did it?"

Hisoka said that the door was closed so he guessed that the guilty had left a while ago "Thanks to Uvogin's nose we followed his tracks and we just arrived in a canyon about 2 km of distance from where you guys are〜"

We immediately got in the cars and reached the point indicated by Hisoka, when we arrived we saw Uvogin already fighting with three members of the Ten Shadows "Hiii〜" someone covered my eyes but I already know it was Hisoka so I put his hands off my eyes and turned over to him "Hi baby, did you miss me?" he hugged me and kissed me "I missed you sooo much that you can't imagine〜"

I laughed at hugged him again "Aww my baby, didn't know I was so important to you" he looked with a mix of angry and surprise in his eyes "Of course you are!〜" and while he tried to kiss me we heard Shizuku screaming "GUYS LOOK, SOMETHING HAS CAPTURED UVOGIN!" we all turned to see Uvogin chained from head to toe being taken away from us

'KURAPIKA?!?!' I immediately thought and rushed into the first car I found "Baby, wait where are you going without me?〜" Hisoka said and immediately jumped in the car and as he jumped in, I immediately started the car to follow the others and save Uvogin

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