Bruce- little sister

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You haven't seen your brother ever since he became the hulk he wanted distance between him and you. Today you are going to visit him in his lab at stark tower. Tony and him needed another option on something and they call you. You always loved science and you were as smart as your older brother maybe smarter (just don't say that to Bruce).

"Took you long enough to get here" Bruce said giving you a hug

"You try having to walk across town to get here" you say hugging him back

" well, Tony this is (y/n)" Bruce says to the man who just put to much of the chemical he was holding into the beaker and exploded in his face.

"Damn it, oh well hi (y/n)"he says as you laugh "so this is your sister, I hear you are as smart as your brother and you are definitely hotter then him" you blush though Bruce didn't think it was cute and gave tony the look.

" are you going to tell me why you called me here or do I have to guess" you ask as you sit down on a stool.

"Well I think this would work better to energize tony suit better" bruce holds up a round ring of glowing minerals " but he likes What he's beenn using"

"I would have to replace the minerals to much" tony says

" I agree with tony. Now if we are done can we get some grub" you say as your stomach growls loudly.

"Let's go get some food and you can meet the rest of the of the gang" tony says going to the living room of the tower. "Who wants shawarma?"he yelled. All the avenegers came out of wherever they were. You and Bruce emerge from the lab.

"Who's that" clint says jumping off the bookshelf.

" Bruce's sister and what did I say about getting on the bookshelves"tony answers. Clint just shrugs. "Are we all here ok let's go get shawarma"

You all walk to the shawarma place down the street. Once you get there you sit down by Bruce and tony sits on the other side of you. "Tony don't go flirting with my sister" Bruce warns Tony. Tony throws is hands but laughs about it.

"(Y/n) what do you do" nat asked

"I'm one of the lead scientists at the university" you answer smiling at Bruce "it's all thanks to Bruce he was the one to get me into science"

"More important question do you have a boyfriend" tony asked

"TONY!" Steve yelled "come on is that you think about is dates and hot girls like (y/n)" he smiles at you.

"She's mine I saw her first"tony added

" boys I'm nobody's unless you get my brothers permission" you smiling noticing that you made Bruce smirk.

"Yea what she said and I would rather have her with steve then tony" Bruce adds. Tony frowns steve smiles. You sit there eating when they talk about there last mission.

"Boys can't you see the girl is bored" nat stated

"(Y/n) what do you want to do" Steve asks you.

"I'm not sure but I want to do something spontaneous" you answered.

Steve looked at Bruce and got the it's ok look. He came over to you and took you off to who knows where.

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