loki- April's fools

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You and Natasha tried all night to think of a April's fools prank to pull on your boyfriend. your boyfriend is no other then the trickster god Loki and you wanted to trick him for once. "nat we need to think of one I want to pull it before he pulls one on me tomorrow" you said to Natasha as you flopped on your bed.

 "you can tell him your pregnant" nat said 

"but thats lame and so played" you whined 

"then I don't know"

you sighed and went to grab pjs as tony came in. "sorry to interrupt girls but fury need us now" 

"for a mission" you asked and tony nodded "we'll be right down" tony left and you put down the pjs and grabbed your cat-suit. you and nat ran to the jet hanger. "whats the mission"

"clint fell for a trap" steve answered 

"so rescue mission got it" you said hoping on the jet with everyone.

you rescued clint with no issue and went back to brainstorming with nat when you got back.

"i got it we can say you got kidnapped" nat cheerful said

" that's a good idea yes lets do that" you said with a yawn

"first thing in the morning leave the tower and I'll tell loki" you nodded and fell asleep.

you woke up and did as nat said and left. you sent nat a text saying you left and to go ahead and tell him.

"loki loki" nat yelled trying to find loki

"what Natasha" loki said walking out of his room.

"(Y/N) is missing i can't find her I've checked all her favorite places she's no where" 

loki's facial expression went from annoyed to worry. "I'll find her" with that he took off.

nat sent you a text telling you that the bait was taken. you stay at your favorite coffee shop. loki walked and you started to laugh. "i thought natasha said you weren't at you favorite spots" loki said walking to you

"April fools babe" you said then kissed his cheek "I got you first this time" loki just laughed .


i know its late but i haven't been in a writing mood lately  

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