Clint- three in the nest

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you are in your apartment trying to get your daughter sparrow (Clint's idea to name her that) to stop climbing  on everything. sparrow is 5 years old and is to smart for her own good. she has your hair and his eyes and 3 foot of sass. 

"hunny  I'm home" clint said as he hung up his bow and his arrows ( sorry I had to)

"I'm in sparrow's room. can you come in here and help me with your daughter" you yelled though the apartment as you tried to get sparrow off her book case.  Clint walked in and sparrow  jumped into his arms. he almost lost his  balance but he caught himself.

"whoa there  kiddo careful. are you giving mommy a hard time?" Clint asked as he put sparrow down.   

"noooooo" sparrow said trying to look innocent

"come on lets get ready for dinner"

"no I want to climb"

"I'll take you rock climbing tomorrow if you get ready for  dinner" sparrow smiled an ran to the kitchen. she loves when you guys go rock climbing. you are good rock climber and you want to start sparrow early and Clint agreed. sparrow got your love of climbing and Clint's love of heights.   

------------------------------------------------------------time skip---------------------------------------------------------------

you woke up the next morning to sparrow asking to go rock climbing at  the crack of dawn. "sparrow calm down we'll go after breakfast" sparrow sighed as you picked her up and taking her to the kitchen. "lets make daddy some pancakes before he gets up" you asked once in the kitchen.

"chocolate chip?" she asks as you sit her on the counter. you nodded grabbing the chocolate chips. you grabbed a bowl and the rest of the ingredients and put them next to sparrow.  you spent the next few minutes mixing everything together.  you took sparrow off the counter and she ran to her seat at the table as you started the stove.

"do I smell chocolate chip pancakes" clint walks in as you put the last pancake on a plate.

"yes you do now can you grab the milk and maple syrup please" you said as you took the plates of pancakes to the table. he grabbed the milk and syrup and put them on the table and sat down.

"someone was up early" sparrow nodded with a mouthful of pancakes "slow down baby bird you'll choke" clint added before he stuffed his face.

"she is just like her daddy bird" you laughed as you took a small bite. you finished last so you grabbed the plates that were left on the table by two eager people and put them in the sink.

"mommy hurry up I want to go" sparrow said as you were putting the milk away.  you laughed and went to get ready.

once everyone was ready you drove over to the rock climbing place. you hooked sparrow up into the harness and clint got the rope steady for her to start to climb. you free climbed next to sparrow (thanks to years of climbing and S.H.E.I.L.D training you don't need to worry of falling and hurting yourself). your phone started to ring half way up the wall without thinking you answered it with you Bluetooth. "go for (y/n)....... can it wait fury" you answer finding out it was fury. "fury we are on a family outing....... ok but if anything happens it on you"

"what does he want" clint asks as you a sparrow started to come down. 

"a mission right away no time to drop off sparrow at my moms we have to take her with us"

"that's fine we have done that before"

"when she was 1 clint when I could put her on my back and she slept"


please tell me what you think and should there be a part 2. and please give me some request. 

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