Nat/Clint- daughter

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you snuck out late from your house. you stood behind a abandon building for a mission your parents didn't want you to go on. your parents are no other then Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton the assassins who also taught you how to fight before you could even walk but they thought you were to young for a mission like this. your 16 and been on missions with your mom and dad since you were 10. this mission called for you to be alone but they didn't think you were ready.

you got ready to enter when you felt something on your arm. you turned to fight only to get punch hard enough to get knocked out. once you came to you were tied to a chair. there are to males standing in front of you. "she's the Romanoff kid" one of the males said.

"where is you mom girl" the other male asked with a Russian accent.

"who wants to know" you spat at him

"the person in front of you who wants her dead"

"I'll never tell you"

"is that so. mark" the male said as he left and the male named mark came towards you with a knife.

You screamed in pain as Mark plunged the knife in your leg "tell me child" Mark said in Russian

"Never" you answered back in Russian. You got your hands free and knocked the guy out. You started to scream in Russian.

"Child" the other man yelled trying to get to you before you found a way out. Thanks to Tony you had a special necklace that had a symbol resembling the avenger symbol on it.
The necklace had a distress signal.
You push the button and ran.  You almost got to the door but the one guy got to you first.  "you'll be in trouble my family is on their way" you said trying to get away.

"i was hoping they would be now be a good girl and it" he said push you down on the chair making sure to push on the stab wound on you leg. you growled in pain. like on cue tony came bursting though the door with the others right behind him. clint came straight to you to make sure you were alright. you assured him your fine and grabbed your gun from the table the bad guys put it.

"do you have suicide wish (y/n)" nat asked "we just said your not ready to keep you safe this people wants me and any one I'm associated with dead"

"she's right we know your ready but this people are not to be messed with"


 should there be a second part

sorry I took so long to upload this one I've been busy and I have major writers block so if you can give me some ideas that would be great

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