Loki - near death

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"Loki lets go." you yelled though your shared room " we're going to be late"

"(y/n) I'll be out in a minuet" Loki said as he finished get his suit on. Loki and you were going to a party tony was throwing. Loki didn't want to go but you promised him something special afterwards. Loki come out in his suit with his scepter in hand.

"leave your scepter here please" you begged

"your taking your daggers. so why can't I bring my scepter" he pointed out

"because I can hide mine under my dress"

"fine I'll leave it here" he puts it down and grabs your hand starts to walk out of the room. you made it to the party on time.

once you walk in your greeted by tony stark him self. you looked around and saw all the avengers there. Loki was super close to you no matter where you went. "hey Nat" you walked up to Natasha.

"hey, (y/n) nice dress." she said "and how in the world did you get him here"

"persuasion and bribing" you laughed as Loki grabbed your hand very tightly "ow Loki what gives"

"something is off" Loki says as thor comes to say hi.

"I feel it to brother" thor said making you worried. just then you heard a big boom. tony came running into the room with panicked guest. he started to yell at loki saying its his fault.

"it wasn't him tony he was with me the whole time" you yelled. loki pushed you out of the way of a bullet.

"give us (y/n)" a man in a mask said as him and three others come out two other males one female.

"shit" you remembered the voice. before you met the avengers you where in a group of thieves and they got pissed when you went good and now there here to get you back or to kill you which ever one comes first. you walked out right in front of them and threw a dagger at the smallest male hitting him in the shoulder. "you in a room with the avengers and the trickster god loki and me a trained assassin" what they did know you have powers and the only person who knows is loki. one of you powers is teleportation so you grabbed loki and teleported to a empty park.

"was that the thieves you use to hang with" loki asked calling his scepter

"yes and now their going to do the best to find me" you said texting tony where you went. soon the avengers where there. "their going to be here soon the female is able to track people with her mind so I'm going to hide and see what they do" they all nod expect for tony.

"how did you teleport" tony said

"I'll explain later their coming" you answered as you hid

"where is she belle you said she was her. I only see these idiots"  the leader said.

"she was here but I think she knew we were coming and made a plan" belle said hiding behind the leaders right hand man.

"ben go look around the park" the leader told the shortest male who followed is order. Clint followed ben as the others started to fight. "where is she"

"why do you care so much" loki said attacking him.

"because she use to be mine and I want her back" the leader answered as loki went ballistic. you had to come out of hiding so loki didn't do anything to bad .

"Sam I'm right here come get me" you said getting ready to fight. Sam came running to you and grabbed you so you teleported to a different park.

"(y/n) why did you join the avengers and why are you dating loki." sam asked

"because I love loki and I want to help people instead of hurting people" you answered grabbing your daggers. sam grabbed you arm making you drop you daggers.

"you shouldn't of teleported us away from you friends" sam pulled out a knife and stared to cut you. you tried not to give in to the pain  but after the cut near your stomach you lost it. you on the ground bleeding out. "do wish you didn't leave now nick would of heal you by know"

"he would but your abusive ass would hurt me over and over and have him heal then you move to hurt belle"

you heard loki say something to sam before blacked out. once you come to you were healed and every one around you including belle, ben and nick. "we decide to follow you lead and go good and we were getting tried of being abused by sam" belle said quietly almost to quiet.

"i'm glad you finally left him even tough I almost died for you to. speaking of sam where is he" you asked hugging belle

"i took care of him" loki said as you gave him a worried look "i didn't kill him (y/n) but if does this again I will."

" we took him to jail after loki beat him up a bit" tony added.

you and loki went to your shared room In stark tower. "told you we shouldn't of went tonight" loki said kissing your forehead

"well yeah but if we didn't you wouldn't of got the chance to she me fight in a dress" you said. loki nodded and was about to say something but you stopped him with a heated kiss.

"how did you teleport " you heard tony say outside your door. you laughed and spent the rest of the night cuddling with loki (or doing other things that's up to you) 

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