Bruce- kidnapped

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You went for a walk alone to clear your head. You've been dating bruce banner for a few years and he begged for you to bring him along but you wanted to go alone. Tony had said something that made you upset so you wanted to walk in the park to get away from the tower. It's been a few months without a mission so everyone was getting restless and getting on each others nerves.

You had your earbuds in walking around the park. You got to a empty part of the park. You went to turn to head back to the middle of the park when something hit you on the head knocking you out.

You woke up in a dark room.  You looked around you couldn't see anything.  "the one time I decided not  to wear my glasses" you whispered to yourself. You had special glasses that help you see far and in the dark but you decided not to wear them. You didn't think you would have needed them. You had bruce and tony help you make them to help heightened your power. You could see far and in the dark but you vision was getting bad so your powers are harder to use. You also project images of you or others anywhere you could see or know very well. "i need to contact bruce" remembering you could do that you sent a image to the stark tower.

Meanwhile at the tower. "bruce where's (y/n)?" Natasha asked.

"she went for a walk" bruce answered as your projection appeared in front of them begging for help.

"bruce I've been kidnapped i don't know where I am please help only let nat help you please "

Natasha nodded and went to get ready . Bruce went to the computer to see if you had any of your stuff that had a tracker on it. "come on (y/n) the one time you don't have a tracker on you" you always had a tracker on you because you were paranoid but this time  you didn't grab anything with one.

"did you try to track her phone" nat asked walking back in the room.

"yes I did there's  no signal " bruce sighed

"dang and she doesn't have her glasses " nat said holding up your glasses "so if she is in the dark she can't see to find a way to escape "

Back to you. You were trying to see in the dark with the little sight you had. You finally got you powers working when someone walked in and turned on the light. "your finally awake night eyes" said a man Walking in. Being blinded by the little you couldn't see him right away. You recognized the voice.

Damn you thought to yourself there was only one person who called you night eyes and they had it out for you. Before the avengers you did a lot of under cover stuff for shield and you made an ever lasting impression on the man standing in front of you. He fell in love with you and you ended up working for the other side.  "tom let me go "

"i don't think so night eyes" tom said getting closer to you "still adjusting your eyes. I heard my little night eyes was having issues with her eyes"

"one i was never yours two just wait till my boyfriend finds me" you spat on him finally able to see him

"I'm so scared what could he do" at the moment the door came crashing down to reveal the hulk and black widow. Nat ran to you to untie you as the hulk delt with tom.

"that's what he could do" you laughed as you three walked out  with tom cuffed and being carried by hulk. "don't mess with the hulk's girlfriend"

Later on once bruce was bruce again you hug and kissed him for thanks for finding you "i love you bruce"

"i love you too (y/n)"

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