Natasha- forbidden love

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nat and you were secretly been dating for a year ever since you joined the avengers. the boy hit on both of you daily but it didn't bother you much you were used to boys hitting on you it was part of your job as an undercover spy. you no longer go undercover in less fury gave you a mission that need you to.

you where at the park with tony and tony spotted two girls making out "that's hot and all but I rather see that in porn not in real live" tony stated. you were  used to tony and the others saying stuff about same sex couples  but this hit you hard and next thing you knew you were running and crying back to stark tower.

you locked yourself in your room for hours before anyone got worried. "(y/n) are you ok" nat asked picking your lock.

"yes its just how the boy see some sex couples" you answered as she walked in

"ah tony said something dumb again" you nodded "well fury is sending me and you on a mission would that help" you stood up and nodded. nat walked to the elevator and you followed.

"what is our mission" you finally asked

"an undercover mission were we "act" like a same sex couple to try to get info on an all lesbian gang" nat answered.

"sounds fun how long are we going to be undercover"

"two weeks and the boys know we have a mission and how long but they don't know the details" Nat stated as you got in her car and sped to S.H.E.I.L.D. headquarters.

"girls here is you mission in full detail" fury gave you a folder with who your going to be.

after fury left you heard nat groan "what nat"

"i have to be the one who is more girly" she answered as you looked at who you were. you where Alex fishmen  a tomboy who loves sports and can beat anyone in wrestling. you look at Nat's she was belle gala a girly girl who could beat anyone in a makeover challenge. you started laughing.

"at least it says you can beat up three guys at once and still look good" you said making nat laugh  "lets get going" 

you and nat got to your desisted area you admired nat because this is one of the few time you saw her in a dress. you had to meet the leader of this gang at this abandoned building. after awhile a couple come out of the shadows and circled you. "she looks strong and able to hold her ground" one of the girls said pointing to you.

"don't let her friend's looks fool you she can still hurt someone if needed. note the knife in her boot. she knows how to accessorize my type of girl" the other one said as she hit a button on her phone turning on the lights refiling the rest of the gang " sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Nicki and this is my partner Beth"

"I'm belle and this is my partner Alex" nat said


part 2 to come

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