Steve- the rebel princess

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Part 2 of thor/loki - little sister

             You almost fell asleep when Thor swung open the door "(y/n) what are you doing"

            "Doing my own thing" you yelled before disappearing with your magic.

          "Look at what you did Thor" steve said leaving your room.

          You hated to fight with thor but your an adult and you needed your space.  Back home in asgard your more then a princess you were a good warrior.

        You flashed yourself to a near by coffee shop. "The usual (y/n)" the barista asked.

        " yes but add a double shot of espresso" you answered

         " another fight with your brothers" you nodded. You always went to this coffee shop and the barista knows when you get a double shot of espresso you had a fight.

        " they think I'm young and weak"

        "Your defiantly not weak I've seen you break a table with your little finger because someone wouldn't stop flirting with you" it was true but you payed for the damage. 

         Thor and Steve walked in right after you thanked the barista and sat down. " I don't want to talk to you thor"

         " steve, thanks for showing me where (y/n) but can I talk to her alone please" thor said to steve as Steve went and waited outside. "Hear me out (y/n)"

You just shook your head. " you know I love you and I'm just trying to protect you"

         "If you love me you would let me do what I want" you didn't wait to hear thor's response and flashed out.

          You sat in a empty ally way crying.  You texted steve where he could find you but if he tried to find you to come alone.

          "(Y/n)!" Steve called down the ally. He rushed to your side and brought you into a hug. "Let's go back to the tower"

         "No I don't want to see Thor" you said in between sobs.

          "Just poof as into your room and you don't have to see him" steve said trying to calm you down. You nodded and within seconds you were laying on your bed.



          It's been three weeks since your fight with Thor and you still haven't talked to him. You have talked to loki though but your conversations were short.  He wanted you to talk to Thor but you were still mad.

          "(Y/n)! Please talk to me" Thor said as you walked passed him in the hall.

        " what about" you yelled.

        "About you coming back to asgard"

      " I'm never going back" you punched a hole in the wall and stormed off.

    Does this need another part or no?

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