tony- first rescue mission

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A/N- this is the continuation of Tony -little sister

        once you got back to stark towers you headed straight to your room to get changed. "(y/n)" tony knocked on your door. "come in tony" you answered after putting on a tank top. Tony walked in and sat on your bed. "you sure you don't want to join us in celebration".

"yes all you guys are drinking and I don't drink"

 "oh come your old enough to drink"

 " I know I am but I know what alcohol does to you and I don't want that to happen to me"

"one drink won't hurt"

"ok I'll be down in a minute" tony nodded and left your room. you followed shortly after.

     "(y/n) good job to day" clint said handing you a beer.

"thanks but I'm going to get some whisky" you said turning down the beer

"that's my girl" tony stated handing you a glass of whisky. you chugged it down and told tony to pour another. after about 7 glasses you were hammered. tony cut you off.

 "come ...on .....TONY.... one more" you struggled for the words.

"no I think its time for you to go to bed" tony said before you clasped in Steve's arms. "can you take her to her room Steve"

"yes and is this her first time drinking" steve asked

"no but she hasn't drank for a while"

     Steve carried you to your room and laid you down softly on your bed.


     you woke up with a big headache. that didn't stop you. you put you training outfit on and went to the training room. you were just finishing your warm up as nat came in running "there you are your drunk of a brother went out and walked straight into a trap."

       "let me guess we have to rescue him"

     "yes but its just me and you and don't wear your suit its a stealth mission " you nodded and went  to go put on the black cat suit that nat gave you for this mission.

      you and Nat took off on motorcycles and head to where Tony's distress signal was. "Left"  you said though the coms. You pulled to the back of an abandoned building as nat pulled to the front. "Just like we planned you go through the back and stay hidden and wait for my signal. " Nat said. "Okay"

          You went through the back window and walked to where you saw Tony. You hid behind some boxes waiting for nat. 

        Nat waved to you to go get tony as she took on the guards. You walked towards tony as you got out your dagger.  "(Y/n)?" Tony question.

        "Shhh..... I'm trying to get you out" you whispered.  You cut the ropes that tied tony up.

         " the Starks" one of the guards said as he ran towards you. You grabbed tony's arm and pulled him with you. Nat took out the guard who was following you and was running right behind you.

         Once you got tony back to stark tower You hit him up side the head.

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