Ch.12 [ Family ]

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*Akira's Pov* few days later.

Cap: Get ready! We are about to reach Menagerie!

As we are slowly sailing into Menagerie, Kuo Kuana.
I'm giving last polishing and checking touches to state of Omen.

I sit, and wait... as we slowly are stopping in the harbor of Kuo Kuana.
I can see some guards here, along with White Fang.

I pick up my things, and jump off.
Before anyone approaches me for being "non-Faunus" I take off my cloak and hide Omen with it.

A fox soon walks up to me, Ezekiel.
Ezekiel: I apologise for stopping you, but lately we had some problems and need to check everyone. Can I ask who are you?

Me: Akira. Adopted child of Kali and Ghira.

He looks up at me, on his list, on me.

Ezekiel: So, you made it back?
Me: Yeah, any news?
Ezekiel: Sienna got her Semblance.

Wut the fuck...?
I mean... yeah, she's older than me.

Ezekiel: You are free.

I nod, and go towards my home.

As few minutes later, Ghira joins me.

Ghira: You didn't talk much during the trip.
Me: Didn't want to.

Ghira: So... can you tell me what happened?

Me: Later, I don't want to say things thrice.

He nods, as we both slowly walk towards our house.

(Few minutes later...)

We both enter the house, as I can smell Kali's food... it smells soo gooood...

Ghira: We are home!

We walk in, as I leave my cloak by entrance. And keep Omen on my side.
As Ghira places his hand on my shoulder.
Ghira: Leave it here, no one will steal it.

Me: Fine. Ichor.

He turns around, and walks towards kitchen.
As I cover handle and sheath of Omen with some solidified blood.

I soon join them at Kitchen.

Me: I'm ba-K!

Blake suddenly jumps and hugs me!
Blake: Akira!

I pet her ears lightly as she starts purring.

Me: Hey, Blake, Mom.

Kali: I didn't expect you to come back so early, sweetheart.
Blake: Did you read my books?

She's too cuutee!
Me: Sorry. I didn't have time.
Blake: Ooohhh.... why?
Me: I'll explain everything.
Kali: The smell of blood on you too?

She gives me a worried look.
Me: That too, it's nothing to worry. Mom.
I give both of them a smile, as Blake gets off me. And sits by the table... chairs are gone..?

Kali: We wanted to try something new, and adapted our house a bit to Mistral culture. I hope it doesn't-
Me: No, it's perfect.

I give her a smile, and sit between her and Blake.

Me: Explanation first? Or my adventure?

Ghira/Blake: Adventure./Adventure!
Kali: Explanation.

They all look at each other, as Kali gives in.
Kali: Adventure...

I give her a small smile.

Me: So... let's start when I left Menagerie and arrived at Windpath.

Blake looks at me with curiosity in her eyes, as Ghira pours everyone tea.

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