Ch.52 [ Hey... ]

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Laying down on top of the bullhead, Akira was playing some games on his scroll. "Dammit! Fuck you Ic3Cr34m!" He shouted while losing the PvP game.

He put away the scroll with a sigh and stood up. Noticing team JNPR walking towards his bullhead.

Jumping down. He noticed the extra-energetic Nora already waving towards him with lots of energy. Ren waving light, Jaune too.

While Pyrrha gave a gentle wave. "Hello, Team JNPR." He said with a small smile. "I really hate those stuck-up ways of talking... I hope you won't mind casual talk during the mission." He shuddered lightly. And motioned for them inside.

"Nope!" Nora responded with significant pop on P. Ren nodded while Jaune gave a thumbs up. Pyrrha raised her hand lightly as Akira gave her a nod.

"The mission? We know its a Grimm clearing, but why are we taking off so late?" She asked as they all got on. While Akira lightly hit the side, indicating for the pilot to start. "Grimm started changing." He said as they all raised their brows. "They are becoming more animal in nature, and we are supposed to take care of Grimm which are Nocturnal in nature near city called Acleour." Finishing his sentence. Jaune looked a tad confused while Nora's and Ren's eyes widened most. "N-Nocturnal?!" Ren stood up.

"That's honestly good. Usually Grimm hunted 24/7, no need for rest. No need for food. No water, shelter... Nothing." He ended his sentence with a long tired sigh. "If they'll become more animal in nature. Humans and Faunus alike will have it easier..." He ended his sentence calmly and leaned against one of the Bullheads walls.

They all racked their brains while sitting. Ren and Nora on one side, Jaune and Pyrrha on other. While Akira leaned against the bullheads entrance. "Take any nap you can for now. We will be hunting whole night." Jaune raised his hand at Akira's words.

"But... it's going to be dark? Right? We didn't bring any flashlights?" He asked confused and looked around at others. 

Akira smiled and walked to him, reaching under him he picked up a bag filled with powerful flashlights and some spare lightning dust. He zipped it back and placed it down. "There's one bag for each of you."

"What about you?" Jaune asked once again as Akira pointed at his eyes. "I am a Faunus. Remember?" 'Half...' Ending the sentence with small murmur which no one had thankfully heard.

He once again had motioned for them to take a nap, as he sat at the ground. Closing his eyes.

'My first mission which isn't a crime? heh. I guess there's a first one for everything.' Relaxing his body, he felt his mana running through his body. 'I should somehow balance my magic... I need to be capable of controlling it perfectly. And I also need to get the damn lamp again... Maybe look for the other Relics?' He could feel some shifts on the side. As they seemingly had problems taking a nap... Opening his eyes, Akira spotted Nora and Ren already asleep. Jaune was trying, but it was evident he wasn't that tired. Meanwhile, Pyrrha turned to Akira as he looked at her. The two smiled at each other and waved.

Akira silently created an illusion of Pyrrha next to him and motioned to her. Quickly dispersing it. With a smile like a little girl, she silently walked over and sat next to him.

"Heyo." He said with a smile as she smiled. "Hey, shame we got that mission." Pyrrha silently responded with a smile as Akira placed his arm around her other shoulder and pulled her into a light hug. "It's okay... Oz is just off lately. How about we ditch the school for a bit and just hang out?" He proposed with a smile as she looked up for a moment, and then laid her head on his shoulder.

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