Ch. 19 [ Trial of Choice ]

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*William's Pov* (Patch)

Life on Patch, isn't so bad.
Yang and Ruby got much better since.... Tai.
And thanks to me, training them.
I can easily say, they are near their 'level' at first volume.
But Yang's emotions still get best of her, be it in battle or family games.

Since Yang is 15, she's a first year at Shade Academy.
Ruby will join her in about two years, and that would be when Oz 'scouts' her into Beacon about half a year later.

As for me? I am currently, I'm just sitting on the couch.
And watching some TV..... I'm surprised that Oz never tried coming into the house and pulling any info from me.

I open a screen with Remnants map, and watch all the new changes... this kid is for a ride of his life.

I hear the door open and two happy shouts,

Yang: We are back!
Ruby: Remember! You promised cookies!

Yep... I did... I did...

Me: Above the oven, behind my coffee.

Ruby instantly dashes towards kitchen with her Petal Burst, and Yang comes over to me, hugs me and goes to her room, as Ruby instantly hurries to her room with her cookies.

I'm pretty much giving them nearly full freedom during their free time, which makes them appreciate what I do for them.

I mean, I help them, give them free time.
And they assist me whenever they can, since I'm always available to help them.

We also visit Tai's and Summer's graves few times a year.
Qrow visits girls quite regularly, but less often, wince he started visiting Akira.
And also, he hangs out with us in general.

*Akira's Pov* (Trial of Choice)

Me: Also, Aelia. You are in charge with Goethin's help.

Qrow looks at me, as Aelia shrugs it off.

Qrow: Where are you going kid?

I point at my eyes,, and think about Cinder.......

Qrow: Oh yeah... got it, see ya kiddo.

I leave through back of my tent, and change into a raven... flying some distance away from the Tribe.

(Few minutes later, sponsored by breakdancing King Crimson)

Okay... middle of nowhere, thos should be a good spot.

Me: Trial, accept.

A red portal appears in front of me, along with a message.

[You may not leave the Trial, until Completed/Failed]

I'm in a purple space, with four different messages, only saying difficulty.

[Trial of Choice]
[ 0/3 Trials completed]
[Choose your difficulty *additional rewards will be issued for higher difficulty*]

Well, well, well,]


And comments.....
I reach out towards Medium, as I stop and ask.

Me: Is it difficulty for all Trials? Or for this single part?

[Single part]

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