Ch.34 [ Just a Day ]

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'Could anyone explain what happened exactly?' Ozpin asked the remaining student as Akira quickly escaped the area with Omen in his hand. Everyone stared at Aelia, as she... pretty much shared his last name. Or any other choice they had.

'Really? Fuck all of you.' Aelia responded with a grimace on her face, as Yang stopped Ruby from pulling out the swear jar. 'But ask specifically... there are somethings that, I will not answer.' Aelia spoke with closed eyes, as she precisely sat down on Shion's net.

'Then I'll start. What was the "Theme" of his Dreams?' Shion asked first as Aelia pointed at her temple(side of head). 'Memories. We saw exactly what, he was doing until Raven's Death.' At her answer Ozpin has lightly moved his glasses with his fingers. ' Raven...  How did you release him from the dream?' Ozpin asked this time with a small murmur on start.

'Unlike Weiss, where she was basically simping for him from what I was told. Akira wasn't taking any likings, when Grimm appeared in front of us. We had to battle, I had to isolate myself from others to barely defeat Raven. That's why we left for first time.' Aelia calmly explained as Ozpin nodded and everyone slowly followed the explanation. 'Wait... what was that Semblance of yours?' Azure asked Aelia, as she only spared her a glance for a mere moment.

'Find out.' She retorted calmly with a smirk as a small argument was about to form. But Glynda quickly calmed everyone down with her "Teacher" demeanor. 'Then... What did finally free Mr.Branwen, and what happened to the Grimm?' Shion asked as Aelia laid herself back into Shion's still laid out net. As this time Pyrrha stood up to answer.

'I think... It was his Semblance. Thank you for the tip Professor. His Semblance showed to be very powerful and it pretty much attacked us... as if it had will of its own...' Pyrrha muttered the last part but quickly composed herself. ' During the fight with... Grimmified Akira, the original appeared and somehow used our Semblances. But shortly, he killed the Grimm.' Pyrrha explained the last part with quite a bit confusion.

'As if you only made the path... Thank you, please proceed to rest. Your lessons will start normally from tomorrow on.' Ozpin calmly dismissed everyone, as they happily left and Shion took back away his net.





(In Cafeteria)

'So... why didn't we speak about that strange black thing?' Ruby asked curiously as Aelia took another bite of her sandwich. ' If he didn't say anything about it, ever. Then I won't either. This is called mutual respect Ruby, and I do hope that you all will keep it. ' Aelia answered as she took another bite.

'What if we will?' Yang asked curiously as Aelia took out her scroll and showed her a short gore video. ' This, but much worse. ' She said without batting an eye. As the video showed Akira actually torturing a group of humans and faunus for betraying the Tribe.

'This is.... Horrible!' Weiss shouted as she stole a glance at the video, her face showing contort and fear. ' For little context. They tried betraying the Tribe, our home... And Akira didn't like it. ' Aelia hid her scroll once again as Yang and Weiss held their stomach from amount of the gore in that single vid.

'Speaking of Akira... Shouldn't we check him? Like is everything okay with him?' Jaune proposed as everyone was finishing their meals. ' Fair point. ' Aelia responded. ' I should propose that... ' Roz grumbled a bit, being the team leader.

They quickly finished their food, and left the cafeteria... as someone was smirking at the idea of hearing what Akira did...


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