Ch.20 [ Trial of Choice 2 ]

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*No Pov* (Branwen Camp)

In middle of the camp, one would spot a young girl and an adult training.

The girl is sweating after an intense work our, while old man is taking a sip of his alcohol.

'Good job kiddo, I'm training both you, and my niece. And I can see some nice progress from you, how old even were you?' Said Qrow, with a smile.

'14? 15?, not sure myself.' Shrugs Aelia, and swipes her sweat off.

'I'll see you at Beacon anyway, also... Where's Akira? Didn't see him for days.' Said Qrow a bit worried.

'And he left Omen back home.... so... he's probably training?' Aelia tries guessing her own question...

Qrow only ruffles her hair, as she tries taking his hand off... he pulls out a small paper, and gives it towards her.

'Here you go, an invitation. You earned it.' Said Qrow with a small smile, as few tears falling out of Aelia's eyes and she starts repeating 'thank you!' Few times.

'I guess, all kids are similar.... maybe not him, but they are.' Thought Qrow, as he watched Aelia reading and smiling at Beacon invitation.

'Wait....' Said Aelia, as Qrow turned to her.

'What's up kiddo?' Asked Qrow.

'When did HE, get one?' She said with threat? As her eyes got that... Maiden glow...

Qrow lightly laughs and pulls out his scroll...

'About a year ago? Or so.' Said Qrow, as Aelia looks at him.

'Year ago!?' Shouts Aelia and quickly hides her invitation.

'Yeah, so you be-!!!' As he's about to finish the sentence, she picks up her weapon and activates her Maiden Powers.


(Trial of Choice)

'Huff... huff.... That's.... all of them? Right?' Asked Akira, as he literally destroyed every single Grimm in the Trial.

[Time: 02:20:32]
[User accumulated 98,237 points]
[Every type of Grimm was killed and every single pre-spawned Grimm was killed....]
[Bonus stage is available....]
[You can either leave and take rewards, or fight for more....]

'What the hell do you mean?!' Shouts Akira and grabs his head, as Azkorth eats bodies of multiple Grimm around....
Nuckelavee, Beowolves, Ursas, Geisses, Imps, Beringels, Jackalopes, Apathies and finally.... the 'boss' of this stage.

An Alpha Manticore.

Akira stares at his blade... the fake Omen, as small yellowish cubes float around it.

'Will you patch me up and restore my Aura and Mana before bonus stage?!' Shouts Akira, as another red window appears.

[No, it is no-.... overriding....]
[Restore before bonus stage was activated.]
[Shop is available]

'Shop?' Asks Akira, as multiple golden and silver windows appear around him.

[Shop offers you!
And Lottery!]
[You have 98,237 points]

'What?' Said Akira, as a Green light flows around him, and he feels his Mana, Aura and his body get restored to best condition.

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