Ch.45 [ Heavy Wounds, Healing Scars]

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A blonde haired woman walked into a completely frozen training room, spotting the Wolf Faunus she was meant to "Play" with, exhausted? 'It wasn't even few minutes since he entered?' She thought to herself as he stared at her.

'  Can't you see the occupied sign? ' He asked her as she pointed behind herself. ' It wasn't flipped. You fucking idiot. ' She retorted at him as he raised a finger, and then face palmed.

They both "Stared" at each other.

' Anyway... I guess, I'll have to go. ' Akira muttered as the girl suddenly extended her hand towards him. 

As Akira looked at her strangely he suddenly felt a dangerous sensation and skipped to side as a slash appeared at his cheek. ' I'd love to fight with newest guy. ' She told him, as Akira looked at her....

// (1st Pov, Akira) \\

Fight... guess that's what she meant by a fucking mission I guess...

I unsheathed Omen on my side, as I only now noticed a Glaive in her hand.

' Quick question, Blind? or Semblance? ' I asked her as she released a small sigh... 

' Why won't you find out? ' She smiled and spun the Glaive. As I smirked. ' Any bets? A wager? ' I asked her as she simply got ready to fight.

' How about... A single order? ' She proposed as I simply nodded. 


Our weapons met with each other for first time. Resulting in strong sound as she was lightly forced back. Both of them disengaged but I swiftly dashed towards, as she slashed at my left side. I moved my weapon to block it.


I looked on my right side of stomach, finding the weapon embedded into me. Before she could pull it out of me, I released a small shock towards her. But she suddenly let it go and jumped at me with seemingly nothing in her hand... but she's an illusionist... or really fucking fast attacks.

' You see... I really hate Bandits. ' She spoke with venom towards me. ' Especially one who changes their side like it's nothing. ' She said clearly, with so much venom I could feel ends of hair on my back raise.

I create a Great-sword out of ice and *CLANG* a longsword made out of something quite durable appears as cracks appear on my Great-sword.

' I mean, I'm a bandit as long. As Branwen Tribe is live and well. ' I answered her little wonder. As she simply looked at me. ' And betraying your own people... I am getting more disappointed with each second... I won the match. ' She simply answered with disappointment. ' It's not betrayal if I'd give them a warning, is it? But... why would you care? You just said that you hate Bandits.' I spoke to her as she shook her head and sheathed her longsword.

' Also, how did you won? ' As I asked her... I fel...t.... los...t...

As I finally noticed her eyes... Bright blue iris, outer edges turning lightly green, a star-pattern of white lines on them. While pupils appear as two-barred cross.... And as I stared into them... I fel..t... lost...?

Trying to look around, I couldn't find anything... as she was somehow getting closer and further at once. ' That is how I won. ' tip of cold steel was at my neck... 

As suddenly everything dispersed.

' What the fuck? ' I muttered and reached for my neck... this illusion was too strong... was it even illusion at this point?

As I questioned myself, I noticed how she untied her hair from a ponytail into free falling hair.

' But, if you do turn on your "Family". Give me a call, I already saved it in your scroll as Sev. ' She waved and left the arena, as I patted my pocket. And checked it... to find hundreds of missing messages... shit... OZPIN!

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