Ch.23 [Trial of Knowledge 2]

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I sit by one of heat thingies, and warm myself up before the fight... since there's a blizzard.

Thankfully, as long as I don't attack it or get too close. It won't attack, simple...

But for now, they said Cryo isn't effective on Cryo.. but I'm using Ice, is it same or different?

I'll test it...

I walk closer to it, as it starts moving...

Placing my hand on it, I coat it with ice before it can move...

That's it? Or did I only immobilise it?

I observe it, as it lightly moves inside the ice... immobilised.

'Devour my victim, Azkorth.' As I end my sentence, Azkorth instantly jumps out and starts munching into the Cryo Hypostasis....

After few minutes, it's gone.

Azkorth looks around, and rests it's head on my head...


[Cryo Hypostasis defeated]
[Trials of Knowledge]
[I hate mountains pt.2]
[Destroy this mountain]

Really? I died once by destroying a mountain, and now you want me to do it again?

[*Self-damage has been disabled]

I'm in.

Now, should I try summoning that ice cube for myself? Hell yeah!

But first, experiments!

Azkorth, Glyphs, Kin, Fuse!

Slowly, I create a giant white Glyph on the ground... as the Cryo Hypostasis comes out... but different, it wasn't purple before?

It starts flying around me, and nuzzling into me... as I don't even feel its cold?

'Okay little guy, see that mountain?' I point at the main mountain as it nods.

'Eat.' I say simply, as it splits into multiple smaller ones?!

It quickly leaves, as a single smaller cube sat on my head.

I pat it and smile.

'Hey, can I use shop? System?' I ask myself, as I constantly check my surroundings.

[*A mystery box can be issued after completing All Trials of Knowledge.
It's also one-time event.]

Oh, I see... so I should save points?

[This is recommended]

Okay? Thanks?


Can just send me a message when it's completed?


Quite useful...

I walk back to one of heat thingies, and sat against it... resting as I need to keep watch on my constantly decreasing Aura...

I can keep one Hypostasis on for... hours, but if I'll create another the drain will be at least doubled? Or more....

... (free dots!)

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