Ch.25 [ Exams ]

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Slowly, sounds of birds chirping resound thorough whole Auditorium... as many students wake up  with one peculiarly 'enthusiastic...' Nora.

(*Akira's Pov*)

'MORNING! MORNING! IT'S SU-' I throw a lightning dust crystal at her, as it explodes and she gets... energized?

The dude next to her grabs her, and takes her away.

'Mmm.... morning....' I hear a mumble from Blake and lightly pat her head.

'Morning, did you sleep well?' I ask her, as she nods and gets up.

'Yeah... what time is it...?' She takes her scroll out, as I make sure my 'disguise' is on. And it's on.

She shows her scroll to me, and it's 7:38.

'Test starts at 9. So, we have so-' Before I end my sentence, an announcement

'I hope everyone has woke up. Students going through normal test, are rescheduled on 10:40. As for invited ones, 8:00. We will see you at cliff!' I curse under my nose, as we both pick our things.

... I don't have much. Only Omen.

'I guess, see ya after test?' I pin Omen to my left side.

'Yep, good luck. Bro.' She says that with a smile, and goes away... as I start following few other to the cliff....


'Hey, sis?' Spoke one of tanned twins.
'What?' Answered the other one.
'That guy from before, yesterday... didn't he look like that guy from wanted posters in Mistral?' Says first twin.

'He certainly did... or more it was him.' Said suddenly a heavy voice from behind them.
Revealing it to be a mass of heavily packed muscles.

'Eee!' Jumped away the active sister, as calm one just sighed....

'Really? We are literally behind you.' Said a green guy while popping a balloon from gum.

'Hehe... sorry...' She says, and they start talking about me as I walk with them.

Only a girl with pink bunny ears paid attention to me, for a mere moment... and scarlet haired one?

(.... smol skip, presented by Golden Experience dancing in rhythm of remixed hardbass...)

We all stand on some platforms?

'Good to see everyone here...' Ozpin starts talking and instantly looks at me.

'Mr.Branwen, good to see you alive.' I nod and take off my disguise for a bit.

'Same, same.' I say casually and place it back on, as he stares at me.

Few stare at me, as a bear man walks up to me.

'I'm not even surprised, that a mutt like-' Before he ends his sentence, I punch him in the face as his Aura instantly breaks...

I think... I used too much strength?

He falls down unconscious, as Ozpin releases a sigh..

'We will move the test by an hour... you'll participate along with others...'
He simply walks away?

'Thanks Wolfy, didn't eat anything before!' I simply sit down, and look at the voice owner... pink bunny.

'No problem, he was getting on my nerves.' I point at bear dude.

Few of them slowly disperse to few other spots, as Aelia sat next to me.

'So, mind explaining?' She says a bit annoyed.... quite a bit.

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