Chapter 1- "Are you a fan?"

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"So, you want to become a manager just because you don't have any other job?"
The General manager of Fantagio choi Ji-hoon said that with a suspicious face.

"Yeah, But I can make you sure that I'll do a great job".

26-year-old Parks Soo ah Said it in a confident yet sassy voice. Mr.Choi turned his head and whispered to the HR manager Kim Ji Yeon:
"She's weird and strange. I like this one. I think she's capable of managing them. But let's not give her hope."

Mrs. Kim nodded her head.

"So ms. hmm...Soo ah. You know that Astro is pretty popular and has many fans. Right? And you are not that old and are a girl. How do you think the fans are going to react to that?"

Mrs.Kim asked with a smile on her face

"Well, once again I tell you, I can do a great job looking after them and I promise you that I won't meet them unless it's job-related. And, you know you can't control your feelings. So if I ever get feeling for any member, I promise I'll quit right away or you can fire me". Soo ah was determined.

Both Mr.Choi and Mrs.Kim were impressed by her.

"You never had a job before other than being an online writer. But you had good grades and were in SNU. Then why didn't you have a job until now and why do you want a job now and why in the entertainment industry? You were a computer science major?"

Soo ah did expect that question. But still, a shiver went down her spine. Even though she practiced how to answer that question with her best friend, she still stuttered:

" we-well, I did look for a job. But due to a personal reason regarding a family member, I decided not to have a job. And why in this industry ? 'cause this was the only job option I saw with a good salary".

"Oh, then we won't be nosy and ask about that. The final question then- ARE YOU A FAN" Mrs. Kim started into her soul.

Soo ah got flustered. " Uhmm, no I am not. And I don't know how to prove that I am not a fan. The only thing I can say is I am not."

"Then let me ask you another question to prove that you are not a fan. Which is the first song of Astro?"

"To prepare for the interview I did some research on them. So I know this one. Hide and seek"

"Yeah, that was way too simple. Then here is another. Which drama did Moonbin act when he was young".

Soo ah chuckled. "Is this some kinda trivia!"

She stopped goofing around when she saw both of their serious faces.

" I seriously don't know. I am being honest. You can trust me"

Mr. Kim said: "Okay then we don't have any questions anymore, We'll give you a call if you're hired. You can leave now".

Park Soo-ah gave confident smile and got up from the seat. She bowed 90 degrees and yelled " KAMSAHMIDA" flashed a smile and exited the room.

Mr.Choi and Mrs. Kim were in great shock. They sat like a statue for a second. Then they gave a big sigh.

"WHAA, That girl," Mr.choi said pointing at the door"She's the strangest one I have met so far. She's like- I don't know what to say Like she's sassy, confident but so scary".

Mrs.Kim chuckled and said:
"Well, I'll be honest I quite like her. I think we should hire her. She gives off a promising vibe". She said with a small smile on her face.


Soo ah was walking through the footpath. She let out a long sigh of relief. As if she finished csat exam. She took her phone from her knock-off Chanel bag. She dialed a number. She was calling her only friend Hwang In-woo.

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