Chapter 10 - "Hi"

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“So you have a crush on your manager who is 2 years older than you and you invited her into your fu- freaking house?” Song Ho jun, the model Sanha’s best friend practically yelled at him through the phone.

“Who cares about age these days” Sanha muttered frowning.

“Seriously ? Out of all the things that I just said you are justifying the age. I know age doesn't matter! Do you have any idea what you are doing right now? She's not even a celebrity but just a manager. Can you even guess how your fans would react if they knew?” Ho jun stated the obvious facts.

“Gosh, this is exactly why I didn't tell you. Because I knew you were gonna lecture me about this. It's not like we are going to date. It's just that I like her and I want to have something with her. And I don't even know if she'll ever like me back. I'll do my best to keep it out of the public eye. And it's not like we have many fans. We'll lose some and that's it.” Sanha was fuming with frustration. He knows about all the disastrous things that come after a dating scandal. He's a kpop idol and she's his manager. That's not a trope everyone loves in real life. At the same time he knew that it was wrong for others to judge his private life but what can he do?  are usually very calm about almost everything. They have done many dramas where they have kiss scenes but Aroha never makes a fuss but supports them always. But it's not like Sanha is acting in drama right now. It was real life and he knew most people loved to be nosy and judgemental.

Ho jun sighed knowing very well that Sanha knows about the consequences. But he wanted to look out for his best friend. "I just want you to not lose your career at the age of 24. You are young. Don't let something that you're not even sure about, ruin your dreams. Still since the great friend I am, I'll help you.” Ho jun finally gave in.

Sanha scoffed at his best friend's remark, “ yeah, yeah, I should give you an award for being the best. So I say you come over to my house this Sunday and she'll come too. We will have lunch together and say goodbye.”

“Wow, the greatest plan that has ever been made. You can still change the suggestion if you want though. Just tell her to get you a new video game console or something. That's even more safe and less awkward.” Ho jun said sarcastically.

“That’s - I don't know. It feels not okay. Plus I want to spend some quality time with her.” Sanha said clearly not understanding the sarcasm in his best friend's tone

“Then find some really secretive restaurants. Like some Japanese restaurants. They have private cabinets, you know” Ho jun suggested after thinking a bit. 

“Yeah, right ! Why didn't I think about it before” Sanha exclaimed and another man chuckled. They hung up after talking about some more random things.

Now Sanha has another mission. The most challenging one. First he dwelled on whether to call her or talk to her face to face , then finally decided on the second option. He was obviously nervous. He saw this equally as asking her out. Even though it was not.

When he found Soo ah, she was inside the meeting room making phone calls and typing relentlessly. He didn't want to interrupt her. So he waited until she was done. Finally he saw her stretching and knew it was the correct moment.

“Hey” he said after knocking on the door and opening it a little bit.

“Oh, hey. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the studio?” She asked.

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