Chapter 16 - Secret places

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Soo ah was watching him. A moment ago Inwoo was sitting on the chair opposite to her. And now he's standing turning his back on her, hands on his hips, constantly ruffling through his hair, taking deep breaths.
In woo is angry. Very much so. Why was he angry for. Is it because she only told him after she found the house, or is it because she's leaving him. Or is it both.

Soo ah kept watching him patiently, waiting for him to calm down. Just like Sanha said is he bad friend who can't respect her decisions. But Inwoo had always been nice to her. Always, that she felt she was never enough for him. She prayed Inwoo won't end their friendship.

He had sit down now. He gulped down a glass of water, carelessly. Water droplets flowing over his adams apple. He wiped his mouth with back of his hand as he put the glass down with a loud thud. Soo ah still didn't say anything, even when her lips wimpered to say something.

“So,” he finally starts talking,” why do you want to move out?” His voice is very rough. Something he has never done Soo ah before. And shes not enjoying this new side of him.

“Because I want a change. I want to take another step.” She said just like she practised.

“Are you not happy here?. Why do you want a change?” He asked with his voice less rough now.

“I am happy. But I have been stuck in a point for a long time. Now I want to move” she answered.

“Am I the reason you can't move? Tell me how so, so that I can change. I can agree with anything except you moving out.” He said eagerly. She leaving him was his worst fear and now that's happening for real?

“If you realy want to help me, then help me move out. I will be really greatful if you do that”

“Okay, fine,fine. But why didn't you atleast discuss with before jumping into a decision. Am I just a sidekick? You have been living with me for free for three years.  Am I not important in your life? Am I just-” he stopped seeing Soo ah’s eyes. Her eyes glistening with tears but she didn't cry. He had crossed the line. He messed it up. Forever and irrevocably messed up.

“You said it by yourself. This is exactly why I wanted to move out. I wanted to stop feeling like an unwanted person. Feeling like a gum under shoe. Let me tell you. It's not the best feeling in the world. No, I know”, she stopped Inwoo who was starting to say something “ I know you don't really mind living with me. But it's me. Okay? It's my problem. I am the problem. I don't want to feel like a piece of shit. It's fine if you don't agree with me. It's fine. It totally fine” She said and left. She went inside her room. Praising herself for bejng composed the whole time. She really did try her best not to burst out.

She lay down on the bed staring into the ceiling. Is it over ? Their friendship of 6 year. Is it really over. Atleast she knows one thing. That shes finally stepping out from her boundary. Even if it's a small step she felt like she did something very big. But her heart was breaking a little. Her worst fear was losing Inwoo too. 

Just at the right time her phone chimed. She took it. It was Sanha.
“Great timing” she scoffed.



Did you talk to him(⁠˘⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠˘⁠)

Did not go well

Oh no what happend

She laughed a little seeing his emojis. So extra.

He said something and it was something I never expected to hear from him

How do you feel nowʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ

She laughed again. Typical Sanha.

I feel like a shit now actually

You wanna come out for a sec(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

What do you mean

I have a secret place. Want to go there:⁠-⁠D

She hesitated a little bit. It's a bit risky but she really wants to get out of here. it's way too suffocating.

Send me the location


She shook her head smiling and got up from her bed. She threw some Sweatpants and a pink hoodie on. And over that a puff jacket. It was getting closer to winter now. She tied her into a ponytail as usual. She looked herself in the mirror. She frowned looking at her reflection. She looked like a highschool senior whos going to write the csat exam in few days.

She pouted, confused. Suddenly she remembered her warm stockings. She wore that and small skirt over that. And wore her pink cardigan. But is it too much for just a casual meeting?
After throwing all her clothes around the room - which isnt that much - for half an hour she finally decided to wear a baggy jeans and came back to her pink hoodie. She wore her puff jacket and took her phone ready to leave.

Inwoo was sitting in the couch watching some reality show.

“I am going out” Soo ah said out of courtesy.

In woo quickly turned off the tv and got up. He walked up to Soo ah. She was wearing her shoes.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“Out” she mumbled.

“Can we talk?” In woo finally said.

“Not now” she said and closed the door behind and left. She did feel bad to leave like that. But what he said keep rewinding in her head. And she can't do the talking right now because she's definitely not in her right mind.

She took a taxi to the place Sanha sent the location to. It was 15 minutes away at some park. It was already nine’o clock which means the park is already closed.

She reached there and slowly started to walk around. Luckily Sanha was standing at the entrance. In his hand there was a plastic bag. He waved at her and she waved him back smiling. She couldn't figure out if he was smiling or not because he was wearing a mask. He must be smiling too. 

She walked over to him.

“Hi” Sanha exclaimed.

“Hi. Uhmm, So where are we going ?” Soo ah looked around and asked him.

“You'll see”, He said hiding his mischievous smile.

Soo ah nodded and followed him. He walked forward and Soo ah followed observing her surroundings.

It was a very excluded area. Still people were swarming on the roads. Some are going back from their job. Many people are drunk. Many eating and drinking inside the restaurants across the road. It was very fascinating to see those people. They all have different lives their own happiness, their own hardships. Yet they appear to be blissful. Make others jealous thinking they have a perfect life. It's the circle of life.

Their walk on the footpath was peaceful, watching the stars and breathing fresh air. They walked for a few minutes until Sanha stopped walking. It had gotten less crowded by then. And there were only a few people walking past them.

Sanha turned and pointed his hand at the small road beside the footpath. It was quite wide but still looked sketchy.
Soo ah looked at him suspiciously and Sanha removed his mask and said, "Trust me you'll love this. So follow me" He walks into the sideroad and Soo ah follows him feeling very skeptical and also scared.  What does he have in his sleeves now?

(A/n Hiiiiiiii. How is it going?????  I have another question. Before that let's have some Tacos 🌮 (I have never eaten tacos before)
❓: Whos your bias in Astro??
Mine is obviously Sanha but I love all of them. Byeeeee (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠) )

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