Chapter 25 - Mission Hanbin?

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"Eonnii, just listen to me this once." Dami whined walking behind Soo ah like a puppy.

"No dami. Anything you have in your head keeps it inside your head. Han bin is dangerous.end of discussion" She scolded Dami like an older sister would do.

Dami narrowed her eyes and huffed, but Soo ah just ignored her and went back to cleaning the dishes.

"Okay, fine. But let me just ask you one thing. Do you really trust Han Bin like that? What if he thinks 'It's no fun if she quit like that, let's upload these photos and make her suffer more'. What about then? It's Han bin we are talking about" Dami let Soo ah speechless. Yes it is Han bin. She blamed herself for not checking every perspective.

"What's your plan?" She finally asked.

"Actually He invited me over to his house tomorrow. For a sleepover, at least that's what he said. So I go there pretending and when he sleeps I check his phone and delete it. And do something fun and leave", Dami excitedly said. Soo ah furrowed her brows and Dami looked at her, understanding her emotions.

"I get it. It's a bit risky. He won't hesitate to do anything if he finds out. But trust me on this eonni. I can do this" She assured Soo ah who nodded at her still unsure. She bit her lips in confusion but decided to trust her.

"But what is this fun thing you're going to do?" Soo ah asked.

"I don't know, maybe put his microwave on fire, something small like that" she shrugged.

"What the hell Dami?!" Soo ah raised her voice making Dami laugh like a maniac.

"You really thought I would do that?" she asked, still laughing. "I am only thinking about burning his clothes a little".

Soo ah gasped again.


"Eonni, I am about to go to his house. You don't have to worry about anything. I'll handle this.Okay ?"

"I don't know Dami, I am still sceptical about this. If he catches you it's all over." Soo ah sounded worried over the phone.

"I know and I am very careful. I have the taser you gave me which... Sanha gave you and that's weird."

Soo ah panicked. "Yeah.. So uh..."

"Anyway, I am done touching up. I am going to go now. Mission starts now" for Soo ahs luck Dami wasn't that patient to hear her explanation.

"Call me if there's an emergency" and Soo ah hung up the call. She started to pace around the room restless. She's gonna die at this rate.

"Why did I agree to do something stupid. Ughhh" Soo ah scolded herself and lied on the bed.

The whole night Soo ah didn't shut her eyes. She couldn't, not Knowing what's happening to Dami at the moment. She kept twisting and turning in the bed. That day was already hard for her to get by. Members messaging her where she is. She all replied to them in one word. 'I am sick'. And they understood. But not Sanha, he wanted to know everything.he kept asking questions and Soo ah kept lying. She felt guilty, but didn't regret it. He doesn't need to know.

At some point of the night she fell asleep. But in the early morning she woke up hearing the doorbell. She realised it must be Dami and quickly got up.

Dami was standing at the doorway famished with a bag in her hand. She gave Soo ah a tired smile and without saying anything she got in. Soo ah was worried as hell seeing the state of Dami. She walked behind Dami following her like a kid. When she finally threw herself on the couch after drinking a whole bottle of water, Soo ah sat at the edge of the couch with curious eyes.

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