Chapter 24 - Digging up the old box

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Park Soo ah got home somehow. She still had so many things to take care of at the office but she was way too tired for that. On the way she called Dami to pick up her stuff from the office. Dami asked her what's wrong a million through the phone because of her sniffing and crocked voice. But Soo ah didn't answer it.

After a while Soo ah got home, Dami came. The first thing she did was grab Soo ah forcefully and make her sit on the couch. Her forehead was all wrinkled up and tense. She crossed her arms and started her interrogation.

“Did you quit or get fired? Were you crying when you called me? What's happening?” Dami was stern unlike her usual self.

A smile tucked in Soo ah's lips seeing this version of Dami. “Well, yes I…. Was crying. And I resigned and it's fine. I have a reason. Actually I have  something to talk about, with you”

This time it was Damis turn to be surprised. But she stayed silent, her mouth opening and shutting as she tried to find the right words.

“I'll start now. You're dating Han bin, right?”

Dami gasped. “ How do you know?”

“You told me yesterday, idiot. When we were coming back from the party” Soo ah poked her head with a finger.

“I did?” Dami was still gaping at Soo ah, lost in thoughts.

“I don't know what happened between you two, so suddenly. But let me tell you, he’s a bad person. A very bad person. And I want you to stay away from him” Soo ah carefully slowly took Damis hands. Her face was filled with doubts and Soo ah understood it.

“I know this is a bit surprising. I really like you Dami. I think you're a good person and deserve a much better than just Hanbin.” Soo ah added.

“Thank you  but how do you know he's a bad person? He's always smiling and everyone likes him at the office.” Dami was still as confused as before.

Soo ah took a deep breath and smiled at Dami. She was ready for everything.

“So ummm I have a history with him. A very bad one”
Damis eyes widened again.

“I knew him in highschool. We were a team. Me, him, Kim Mina, Kang Soomin and Lee Dae Seong. Actually we were the popular kids in the school,” Soo ah chuckled, “ So Han bin was popular because of his face and I was popular because I was the topper in the school. Other three because of their money and face too. We had the friendship everyone wished they had. It was all okay until the last year. Han bin asked me out and I said yes because I liked him too. And we started dating. It was fun and cheesy but It got to an end when he started to demand more than what I could give him. My time. Usually I hung out with them thrice a week. We would go out to eat or to the coin karaoke and just have fun. But because of the college entrance exam I had to cut off my hangout time. I made it to one day a week. They were all upset with me but didn't say anything. Especially Han bin. At first he would insist on making me come to coin karaoke but I refused and sometimes I would just go because I missed him. And it started to stop too because you know lots to study. A distance started from between us. The other three were okay with me but not him. And I get it. But later he straight up started to ignore me. Others did too. I was so confused. I would call him and message him or try to talk to him at school but nada. Nothing came from him. Kim Mina and Kang Soomin later talked to me so… ” Soo ah paused for a moment and took a look at Dami. She was still in her work clothes.
“Gosh, you still haven't taken a shower. I am so sorry. This story is a bit long. So go wash up and eat something. Then we'll continue”
In response to that Dami groaned and got up from the couch reluctantly. She washed up and they had dinner. Dami talked about what happened at work and her daily tea and Soo ah carefully listened to her.

After some time they were back to the couch.
“Okay so,’ Soo ah started, “ where did I stop”

“He started ignoring you” Dami filled her up.

“Yeah. Kim Mina and Kang Soomin later started talking with me. But he still ignored me. I didn't have enough time to beg him so I went back to my daily routine. Studying all day and night. But one day suddenly he started to talk to me. To this day I don't know what happened to him that day. But anyway we were back to being the happy couple we were. Surprisingly he was more understanding than before. I was happy because he was being ‘such a good boyfriend’,” and Soo ah sarcastically emphasised it. “ Okay, so one day they were going to hang out in their usual place and invited me. But as usual I declined and went to the study hall. I was really tired that day. So after an hour I got ready to go back home. But later I thought why don't I go to the karaoke bar and hang out with them. And that was the worst decision I have ever made. I went to there and guess what I saw”

“They were all high!” Dami said and Soo ah laughed at her. Dami shrugged as Soo ah replied,
“What, no!? I mean they might have used it. They are rich kids. But no that's not what happened.” She continued, “ Kim Mina my best friend was kissing my boyfriend and he was kissing back. And on the other side of the couch Kang Soomin and Lee daeseong were eating, I mean kissing. I was ofcourse sad at first and then got angry at all of them. I started to throw tantrums and went ballistic. But nothing happened. They didn't even apologise to me. Instead they all turned against me. They turned into people I didn't know. They became the bullies I saw in the movies. They started to bully the weak kids and I would stand against them raising voice. They usually ignored me and go on their way. But one day they called me to the rooftop of our school. All four of them were present there. With a very funny look in their face. I was confused. Han bin came forward without saying anything and he grabbed my hair and threw me on the floor. While I winced in pain he showed me video. It was another worst decision I have ever made. Kissing him. And somehow he made it look so vulgar. Now that I think about it nothing was going to happen if he uploaded it on the internet. It was nothing actually. But back then the world was ending for me. Then I became their slave. I had to. I still studied as hard as I can. But one day things went a bit too far. I think it was an accident. But they put my hair on fire. It wasn't that dangerous. But I couldn't explain it to my brother on why my hair is suddenly short.” She had to stop there. Thinking about her brother made her heart ache. She sighed and continued anyway, but Dami stopped her.

“Eonni, you don't have to tell me everything. It's fine” she pulled Soo ah into a hug and slowly stroked her hair.

“ Thank you for telling me all this, eonni. Thank you for trying to protect me.” She pulled away. Her eyes were all watery and tears dropped from her eyes. Soo ah wiped it. “ Why are you crying ? I should be the one who should cry,” she mocked her but her voice strained.

Suddenly Dami sat up straight putting her arms on Soo ahs shoulder. “I still don't know what caused you to resign so suddenly. But I am guessing it has something to do with that trash. Am I right?” She asked.

Soo ah was stunned, still she said,“Yeah you're right. Actually do you remember that day when Sanha dropped me home. He took photos of us and threatened to publish it if I didn't quit. So I did. not for him. But for Sanha” Soo ah completed.

Dami gasped at her once again. And her eyes became soft. “ Awww, eonni. Why are you so kind? That bastard is getting what he wants all the time. We shouldn't let go of him like this. We have to form a plan to trap him. And…” “No, it's fine,” Soo ah took Damis hand in her hand, “ I get that you want to get revenge and make him suffer. I want that too. I hate him so much. But let's not stoop to his level, right ? Let's leave it like that. And I am quitting because this time it was just him and if there's next time dispatch or other people, they are not going to ask me. So it's better if I leave here and live my own separate life” Soo ah said calmly. Dami became silent after that. She looked at Soo ah with sad puppy eyes making Soo ah laugh. She really wanted to give Han bin a lesson. But it won't be easy.

“Come on let's get to bed” Soo ah said and got up.

“Eonni,” Dami exclaimed, “I think there's something we can do.” Her voice was filled with hope and excitement. Her eyes were literally shining and that made Soo ah scared, more than being curious. Because Lee Dami is crazy.

That was faster than I thought. Ofcourse, creativity is gonna flow at time of the exam. It's fine because it's small exam ^^

I feel like this chapter is a bit boring because there's only Dami and Soo ah's  conversation. What do you think???
Love you<3

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